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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for January 04, 2025

Unsteady beginnings can become more solid. First, the delicate Moon clashes with expansive Jupiter, blowing emotional responses out of proportion and making it harder to recognize boundaries. When the Moon joins with serious Saturn later on, the reality of the situation becomes visible, as our emotions stop clouding our vision. Finally, the confident Sun supports Saturn at 5:36 pm EST, advising us to make fair judgments with a clear head. Don’t make snap decisions when off-balance — wait until both feet are on the ground.


March 21 – April 19

What other people project onto you isn’t necessarily who you are. While you are the protagonist of your story, in the narratives of others, you might be a hero, a villain, or somewhere in between. Your words and actions both impact this, but their perception will be what they remember about you. They may try to tell you that you’re someone you’re not, and that could shake you. Don’t let them tear you down! Be the person that YOU know you can be.


April 20 – May 20

Your current friends may be able to light the road ahead. You might feel like you have most of the map memorized, but something is potentially missing from your life, leaving you \unfulfilled in one way or another. While you might not be able to grasp the details yourself, your pals may have noticed that you’re happier when you’re in a team sport, or that you light up around a certain acquaintance that you haven’t considered befriending further. Be open to what they suggest.


May 21 – June 20

Your present to-do list could be long. Overwhelming ongoing responsibilities plus others piling work onto your plate equals one bad time! On top of that, you may have to make a difficult decision that will affect multiple people, and you might not be sure what the answer is with such pressure on you. Even when life gets this intense, you have the tools that you need to vanquish it and make the right choice for everyone. Don’t shy away from such hard calls.


June 21 – July 22

Not having clear boundaries might come back to bite you at any moment. You could have left things open-ended with someone who took your actions to mean something else. No matter how much you’ve hoped that a situation would solve itself, it will probably require your input. Those involved may start telling other people what they interpreted from your silence, and attempting to clarify after that would be complicated. Let them know what your true intentions were, then leave it at that if you can.


July 23 – August 22

Other people might volunteer you for something that you don’t want to do. You may not have expressed that you didn’t want to do this before they signed you up without asking, making it difficult to navigate. Do you take the plunge and try to be a good sport, or stand firm and say that you won’t be doing it regardless? It may be socially easier to simply do it, but make it known that you won’t be interested in being “volun-told” a second time.


August 23 – September 22

The credit you deserve is in danger of going to someone else. You might have to speak firmly in order to make it known that this was your hard work, and you deserve partial (if not full!) credit for the effort you expended. No matter how nerve-wracking it sounds to advocate for yourself when someone else is being celebrated, fair is fair! You aren’t seeking false attention — you’re merely asking for the appreciation you’ve earned. Don’t let anyone write you out of your story.


September 23 – October 22

Life won’t necessarily be easy today, but you’ve got this! Even if you feel as though you’re already taking on more than you can handle, the power is within you. First, make a point of setting boundaries with your boss so that your workload becomes more manageable, or perhaps doing the same with a friend so that you’re not spending excessive time together. Giving so much of yourself to others will leave little time for what you want, so make sure you’re creating that time.


October 23 – November 21

You know you deserve to be taken seriously, Scorpio — but you’d be wise to prove that with your voice rather than your scorpion stinger. If someone keeps brushing off your concerns, you may have to speak up for yourself again and insist on being heard. Repeatedly raising the issue may feel uncomfortable when you’ve been told it’s not that serious, but you’re the only one who can communicate your experience. Provide your point with confidence, and they’ll have a hard time ignoring your impact.


November 22 – December 21

You’re learning to release things that don’t concern you. You may have felt very strongly about a situation in the past, something that you’re now realizing had nothing to do with you. It could be that you receive clarity about this situation from someone else who was involved at that time, or you could find this eureka moment on your own while thinking back to the incident. Let it go and give yourself permission to move forward unburdened into the future.


December 22 – January 19

Holding back will probably be hard at present. You might see the flaws or mistakes that another person is showing, either in conversation or while working together. This could push your buttons more than it normally would. They may even be critical of you, tempting you to give as good as you’ve gotten — this would not be the right move. If you shoot back at them, you risk sinking to their level. Rather than fighting fire with fire, shut down their pettiness with kindness.


January 20 – February 18

The fun you have may be directly connected to how secure you feel. There might be an opportunity to either sink or swim — sinking could be embarrassing, but if you swim, you’ll be so happy you did. Ultimately, you shouldn’t feel as though you’re in competition with anyone other than yourself. You deserve to have fun, whether you succeed or need to try again. There’s a first time for everything, so don’t feel like you have to be perfect right away!


February 19 – March 20

Where you are should reflect who you are. When you’re stuck somewhere that’s disorganized — or even TOO organized — it could dampen your energy and wear you out over time. Take this moment to plan some ways to redecorate and carve out a place that’s just for you, even if it’s just a corner of your bedroom. Personalize it in any way you can and make it somewhere that you can chill out. Don’t worry about what others will think about it!