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Readers sound off on Jan. 6 Committee members, wildfire prevention and charging drivers

The US House Select Committee members after they voted to subpoena former US President Donald Trump to testify, during a hearing to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the US Capitol, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on October 13, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
The US House Select Committee members after they voted to subpoena former US President Donald Trump to testify, during a hearing to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the US Capitol, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on October 13, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Honors are in order for holding him to account

Manhattan: Totally unbelievable! Felonious Donald Trump whines like bratty little Rhoda Penmark, filmdom’s “Bad Seed,” and twistedly tries to Kool-Aid us into abetting his bald-faced lie that the members of the congressional Jan. 6 Committee should all be jailed. That’s as ludicrously contrary as the idea that a convicted felon, repeat fraudster, perennially failed businessman, immoral abuser, anarchic traitor or would-be dictator is qualified to be president of the United States.

Seriously, the committee’s dedicated role models fulfilled their elected duties to make steady the besieged foundations of our democratic ideals, shaken by traitorous Trump and his misguided ilk of domestic “tourrorists” on that traumatically infamous day, for all of history to plainly witness. Our outstanding President Biden has properly awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal to Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson, recognition that also befits each of the committee’s superb patriots.

At the anniversary of Jan. 6, a day of service and Epiphany for our nation, I’d retroactively title the whole committee the 2022 Person of the Year. A prominent lasting memorial, including acknowledgement of the committee, also appears overdue at or near the historic site.

Let’s all hope too that Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose issues likely helped enable Trump to evade proper justice, repairs his own questionable legacy somewhat by duly providing the deprived public with Jack Smith’s final report of his case against Trump. Unfortunately, there are important lessons Americans still need to learn. Phil Vanaria

Pro-Trump judge

Howard Beach: Florida Federal Judge Aileen Cannon is overruled a third time. How long before she is removed from the bench? It’s obvious that she’s lost her objectivity. When it comes to Trump, a convicted felon, Cannon is biased in his favor. Ernest Kienzle

Motion denied

Whitestone: Thank you to the four female justices and Chief Justice John Roberts for saving our respect for the law and having the guts to reject Trump’s attempt to erase his 34 felonies. They proved that even with all of his money, power and special friends on the high court, who will apparently do anything he asks them to do, he’s still a loser and a criminal. Damn the Constitution and hail to the king is the message from Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. I just wish Judge Juan Merchan had given Trump some time in prison, if only to make Elvis Presley’s “Jailhouse Rock” timely and relevant: Number 47 said to number 3 (Rudy G) / You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see / I sure would be delighted with your company / Come on and do the Proud Boy’s rock with me. Let’s rock! Michael J. Gorman

In disbelief

Cranbury, N.J.: I can’t believe it. Who voted for this man? What is wrong with the American people? Of the many brilliant, accomplished, and yes, moral American men, how did I wind up with a morally corrupt specimen like this for my president? I can’t bring myself to believe that this is what we’ll all have to live with as president of our great country. Where were people’s brains to even think of voting for this man? To me, this is a disaster. Shame on the American people! Ann Solomon

Tell him that

Boynton Beach Fla.: Voicer Roberta Chaleff promotes one bit of factual news: that Donald J. Trump, convicted felon, will be our president for the next four years. As far as Roberta’s claim that The Donald is “one of us,” feel free, Roberta, to show up at Mar-a-Lago and see if you are welcomed in open arms by Trump and his fellow billionaires. As far as your plea to those of us who do not support the Trump lies, childish name-calling, fraud, cheating and bullying, along with his gross incompetence and childish behavior on occasions too numerous to detail here, to start “acting like good grown-ups by mustering a little pride and dignity of your own,” I suggest you forward your recommendation to the person in most need of such sage advice — Trump or any other member of the Trump family and entourage. William T. Bredin

Goes both ways

Brooklyn: To Voicer Roberta Chaleff: It’s laughable that Republicans like you are chiding Democrats and others you call “Trump-haters” when we have experienced four years of election denial and Biden-hating from you and others who feel as you do. Let’s not even talk about the infamous Jan. 6 riot. My advice would be for you to stop drinking the contradiction Kool-Aid and grow up yourself. Wanda Peakes

Stick around

Carmel, N.Y.: Time to stop our politicians from visiting foreign countries while they have so many issues within their own constituencies that are being overlooked and unresolved. S.J. McCormack

Prevent & mitigate

Brooklyn: Why the hell did L.A. not have pumping stations to take water from the Pacific Ocean and have water mains feeding hydrants to help control the fires, maintain the forests by cutting back dead trees and bushes, have fire breaks and have safe roads so people can get out of harm’s way!? Most of all, they need new building codes to build homes that are not fire traps, as we see block after block burned to the ground. Also, elect new leaders who will do what needs to be done to rebuild all the homes that have been destroyed. Thomas Miller

Local measures

Manhattan: Another warmest year on record from burning oil and gas has brought us weather we’ve never seen before. Torrential rain in California spurred plant growth followed by months of extreme drought that turned it to tinder, ready to burn bigger and faster than ever before, as extreme Santa Ana winds blow embers from neighborhood to neighborhood, even as local reservoirs are full. Overworked hydrants lose pressure no matter how much water is available. What this means for New York is Gov. Hochul has to press for robust climate policy that will bring costs down for New Yorkers. The cap and invest program will do just that. A price on emissions will provide direct rebates to pay consumer energy bills and funds to weatherize homes. Our climate disasters haven’t been as dramatic as California’s or North Carolina’s, but a severe drought leading to brushfires in city parks should be a wake-up call. Laurie Aron

Lack of empathy

Staten Island: To Voicer Tom Saracco, who would label a child born to a female (where’s the male in his scenario?) of a certain age and marital status as “undeserving”: I’m sure you are also anti-abortion. You want to choose who is deserving and who is not based on what you deem appropriate. How can a person be so heartless toward other humans? It’s like that mattress commercial, “How do you sleep at night?” Gina Ottrando

Religion’s riches

West Caldwell, N.J.: Re “Adams pal on Charter panel bows out after News query” (Jan. 11): There is additional befuddlement besides that of the spokesman for the Charter Revision Commission giving a disingenuous explanation for Rev. A.R. Bernard’s resignation after being caught by Daily News reporters not being a city resident. The article details that Bernard is known for his Cultural Center church and its 32,000 parishioners in economically depressed East New York, yet Bernard recently paid off a $1.1 million mortgage on a home and property on Long Island in three years. Have the parishioners of this church ever asked their leader when they will be as providentially affluent? Charlie Peters


Red Bank, N.J.: To Voicer Lee Crespi, who has an obvious jealousy of “folks in fancy houses in New Jersey’s suburbs” who have the audacity to “earn a living in Manhattan”: I say N.J. should charge all N.Y. plates entering and leaving the Holland/Lincoln Tunnels toll taxes to come to “New Jersey’s beautiful industrial parks” (and outlets) so people like you can avoid paying the New York state tax on clothing and shoes! Additionally, for the N.Y. plates clogging the Garden State Parkway during summer to utilize our beaches, it should cost you more just because you live and drive in from a different zip code/state. Based on your point of view, this seems fair to me just so you can continue to use a subway system that’s the “lifeblood of NYC.” A. Marie Clarke