How to log in to your subscription
Your subscription comes with unlimited access to our award-winning journalism on Your unlimited access is just a couple clicks or taps away.
How do I log in to the website?
- From any page on, click or tap on the “log in” button in the upper right corner.
- In the “email address” field, enter the email address that is connected to your subscription.
- In the “password” field, enter the password you previously created.
- Click or tap on “log in”.
What if I forgot my password?
- From any page on, click or tap on the “log in” button in the upper right corner.
- Click or tap on “forgot your password?” below the “password” field.
- Enter your email address and click or tap on “send link”.
- You will receive an email titled “Reset Password Instructions for New York Daily News”. If you don’t see the message within a few minutes, check your SPAM or JUNK email folders.
- Click or tap on the “reset password” link in the email, enter and confirm a new password, and click or tap “reset password”.
What if I’m told I’ve reached my free article limit?
- Within the window containing the limit message, click or tap on “subscriber login”. If you see “subscriber logout” instead of “subscriber login”, click or tap on it; then click or tap on “subscriber login”.
- In the “email address” field, enter the email address that is connected to your subscription.
- In the “password” field, enter the password you previously created. If you don’t remember your password, click or tap on “forgot your password?” and follow the on-screen instructions.
- Click or tap “log in”.
What if I’m told my account is linked to a social media provider?
This means that you opted to log in via another online service such as Google, Facebook, or Apple. To log in, click or tap on the name/logo of the service.
Still need help?
Call Customer Service at 201-521-2851.