New York Daily News' Horoscopes Breaking US news, local New York news coverage, sports, entertainment news, celebrity gossip, autos, videos and photos at Mon, 13 Jan 2025 13:28:53 +0000 en-US hourly 30 New York Daily News' Horoscopes 32 32 208786248 Daily Horoscope for January 13, 2025 Mon, 13 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 13, 2025

Expect dynamic change! The confident Sun trines inventive Uranus, supporting personal change and providing eureka moments that change our outlooks. The Full Moon rises in sensitive Cancer at 5:27 pm EST, improving our work/life balance and magnifying our emotional connections, highlighting the paths we’re on and how we’re affecting them. Soon after, the Moon connects with fiery Mars to add a dose of passion and courage to the mix, though it can inspire us to act rashly as well. Think before acting today, but think quick!


March 21 – April 19

Restoring order may be your next step. You might be noticing where you’ve been spending a little too much time and energy on your career or responsibilities, or you could have felt stagnant, not making progress toward your goals. Be wary of any increasing conflict with family, particularly if tension has been building for some time. The more time that you have devoted to striking a balance that works for you, the fewer challenges you should have right now. Find the sweet spot.


April 20 – May 20

You could be changing in ways you weren’t expecting. There may be more support for your mindset or your ideas, increasing your confidence and providing you with opportunities for growth — especially when it comes to travel and higher education. You might suddenly feel called to go back to school, or feel the need to explore a familiar culture. Make sure that you are balancing the information you’re giving out with the information that you’re taking in to build the best results.


May 21 – June 20

The ground beneath your feet could currently feel shaky. You might be less sure of what’s going to happen. This is not a bad thing — though it might be a little nerve-racking. This provides you with room to start new ventures, especially when it comes to creating security or abundance for yourself and others. Watch out for the temptation to make rash decisions when it comes to investing, whether money, time, or energy, so don’t jump in with both feet. Take your time deciding.


June 21 – July 22

People can offer you the inspiration that you’ve been looking for. You might see the most progress taking place today when you’re working with others without shying away from their suggestions. It can be hard to let go of the reins at times, but letting them collaborate with you rather than trying to do it all yourself should work out better in the long run. Don’t feel like you have to be an island — reach out to those who care about you.


July 23 – August 22

Your responsibilities might give you a clue as to what needs to change. Check in with yourself when you feel overwhelmed with the work of three people instead of one, or if you think you can do more and need to be given the opportunity. Whichever you’re experiencing, do what you can to close the gap and bring yourself to a more balanced standpoint. Then you can show up as your best self! You know how you can best contribute, so speak up for yourself.


August 23 – September 22

Inspiration is the highest form of flattery at the moment. Think of someone who’s your hero, someone that you aspire to be like, whether they’re someone close to you or someone famous. Now is a good time to put this influence into action by creating something of your own inspired by them, such as a wardrobe that is closer to expressing your true self or fresh decorations for your home that reflect your inner spark. Don’t just copy, make it your own.


September 23 – October 22

You’re being supported by those who have stuck around. Maybe they’ve been backing you from behind the scenes and are only now making themselves known. Assistance could also arrive from people who have stood behind you for a long time. You might find that, if you’ve allowed your career to get in the way of your personal connections, some tensions may appear. Do your best to alleviate these worries and make things right by reminding them of how much they mean to you.


October 23 – November 21

Who is supporting your personal changes at this time? This person may be a friend, a mentor, or a family member. Whoever they are, their good intentions don’t mean they’ll always know the best way to boost you forward. This is where you come in, communicating your needs and letting your loved ones help you in the best way possible — allowing you to give back. When you know what you want and you can express it, the world is your oyster.


November 22 – December 21

Organization may affect abundance today. There might be a literal document or key that you need to find, something that is essential to make progress toward a goal — it’ll be harder to find if a lack of organization is plaguing you. If you’ve procrastinated when it comes to figuring out a place for everything, that will come back to bite you! Alternatively, if you have all your ducks in a row, everything is more likely to work out smoothly. Find order in the chaos.


December 22 – January 19

The younger generation may have wisdom for you. It’s a good time to highlight your connections with others in general, but it’s especially important to nourish your links to the younger people in your life right now. Even though they have less life experience, they might be privy to information that you aren’t. Letting them know that you respect their ideas will encourage them to open up even further. Let them teach you about their world — it should strengthen a powerful bond.


January 20 – February 18

Embrace the mundane! You might have tried to understand your family or loved ones in the past to no avail. Even if grasping their true motivation seems impossible, you care about them and want to connect, and that matters. Consider trying to talk about your personal lives and avoiding more incendiary topics, Why not ask them about their funniest jokes, their favorite movies, or their pets? Even asking them what they made for dinner last week works — whatever connects you on a personal level.


February 19 – March 20

What inspires you can draw people to you. You could be working on creative projects, embracing a sense of style that’s wholly true to you, or working in an environment that better reflects who you are inside. This may pull certain peers your way, as they see a connection with you through how you’re expressing yourself wordlessly. It’s important — today, in particular — to show up as the most YOU that you can be. You can be an inspiration to like-minded individuals!

8069331 2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-13T08:28:53+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 12, 2025 Sun, 12 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 12, 2025

Don’t let rash words burn bridges! With the sensitive Moon at odds with talkative Mercury, we may find ourselves wounding one another with words that emerge harsher than we meant. Whether we’re on the giving or receiving ends of these words, bold Mars soothing creative Neptune at 4:16 pm EST is encouraging us to overcome any awkwardness or hurt to find understanding with each other. Later, the Moon harmonizes with Venus to bring us together and laugh it all off. Search for common ground.


March 21 – April 19

Family members may unintentionally cause hurt feelings. They might be saying something that you hadn’t realized they believed, and it could feel insulting to you. On the other hand, their perspective may simply not match with yours regarding the topic — perhaps they even meant it as a compliment rather than an insult. Your values are likely to be different, so it is worth it to try and see that they meant well, while still educating them from your point of view.


April 20 – May 20

Corrections may interrupt your efforts to share information. Even if you were convinced this was true, interesting knowledge, it might turn out to be misinformation! Someone else will potentially bring this up quickly. Instead of feeling offended that they were so quick to correct you, try to see it as them looking out for you and wanting you to have the right story. Even if they are wrong in their correction, which is possible, hear them out and keep the conversation moving.


May 21 – June 20

Insecurities may be triggered — but not directly. Criticisms of others might be taken personally, by you or by those that you’re speaking with, as generalized critique could feel particularly pointed. Instead of taking things personally, try to keep an open mind and stop the gossip train before it leaves the station. They may have been attempting to grow closer with you by criticizing someone else, but you can make it clear that this is not the way to forge a friendship with anyone.


June 21 – July 22

Brace yourself to eat your words! You might find that you say something that is either actually too blunt or simply misinterpreted — regardless, making amends for what was said would be wise. You may not have meant to hurt anyone’s feelings, but it’s still worth acknowledging that their feelings were hurt by your actions. They are most likely not demonizing you or trying to end their friendship with you, they just want their feelings to be heard. Wouldn’t you want the same?


July 23 – August 22

Rumors will spark conflict. These rumors are unlikely to be true and are likely spreading through someone who doesn’t have your best interests in mind (or the best interests of those that they are gossiping about, if not you). If you end up on the receiving end of gossip about someone else, take it with a grain of salt, as it’s probably wholly false. If it is about you, avoid giving it life by proving with your actions that it is not true.


August 23 – September 22

People may try to tear down your style. You could feel misunderstood when you try to express yourself or even while merely talking about your interests. The people that you’re chatting with might not have ears to hear what you have to say, meaning that they do not have the same connection to or knowledge about your interests, leading to their ignorant or rude responses. Instead of taking this as a personal attack, see it for what it is — a lack of understanding.


September 23 – October 22

You may come across more intense than you mean to. Normally, you may have a very balanced mindset — even if you still feel that way, the excitement behind your words may lead others to believe that you want to control them or change their mind. Avoid being bossy or demanding at present, because it can hurt your chances of getting what you need in the future. Being understanding, but clear and firm in your requests should help you get where you’re going.


October 23 – November 21

A teacher or mentor could say something that stings. It may be that if someone else said this to you, you wouldn’t take it seriously, but because you trust this person’s judgment, what they have to say is taken to heart. Unfortunately, they might not have meant it with as much gravity — make an effort to step back and see that they are human, too. Sometimes, they say things that aren’t quite worded right, and you can ask for clarification or ignore unhelpful statements.


November 22 – December 21

Deep conversations require extra thought and care. You may be handling a delicate subject with someone else in your life, and it’s probably hard to talk about. It likely requires a lot of sensitivity and understanding for both parties. While you can’t control how the other person reacts, you can control how you react. Finding an outcome that works for both of you might not be plausible, but you won’t know unless you try to find that compromise as a team.


December 22 – January 19

Someone may say something that you weren’t expecting. No matter how long they’ve been thinking about it, being presented with it right now could feel like quite the ambush. Despite how shocking it may seem to you, if you care about this person, they deserve a reasonable response. Rather than jumping to conclusions, it would be wiser to talk things through calmly and figure out a timeline for this situation. The more that you can understand their POV, the better you can respond.


January 20 – February 18

A hidden enemy might make themselves known without warning. You may have thought that this person was on your side, but when they say something that makes it clear that they’re not in your corner, it can be difficult to know what to do next. They could pretend that you’re making a big deal out of nothing, but tearing you down when you are on an upward trajectory is definitely not friendship behavior! There’s no need for revenge — just move on and keep growing.


February 19 – March 20

Risky statements might fall flat. You might make a joke that’s a bit too edgy or bring up a touchy subject from the past that doesn’t go over well with the people you’re currently around. It’s understandable that you might be surprised by this reaction, as you may have brought it up to others without receiving a negative response, but different people have unique sensitivities that ought to be taken into account. Take accountability and try to move forward without any animosity.

8068708 2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-12T16:47:11+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 11, 2025 Sat, 11 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 11, 2025

Don’t hold on to your hurt. The nurturing Moon works with recuperating Chiron to create the perfect setting for achieving a natural, easy sort of rest. Be aware of your risk-reward ratio, particularly since the Moon and Neptune’s argument will make it harder to know what’s helping versus what’s hurting. Finally, the Moon steps cautiously into its home sign of Cancer at 11:24 pm EST, heightening our intuition and bringing those who want to support us into our orbit. Follow what feels good.


March 21 – April 19

You’re highlighting the “self” in self-care. When it comes to nurturing your soul, what comes to mind first might be face masks, bubble baths, or ice cream, but you’ll experience the most healing from going deeper than this. It might mean taking some time to come up with your favorite movie from your younger years, your ideal comfort food, and the environment that makes you feel the most comfortable. Invite those good energy friends who re-energize you to join if they’re free!


April 20 – May 20

You need a chance to recover. You may be given an opportunity to continue working at your current pace, which is probably quite intense, and you might need to stand firm on taking a break. If you don’t, your body might insist on it for you! To avoid burning out, be secure regarding the necessity of taking care of yourself. You could find success by seeking out those who will support you in this effort. Be honest about what you need.


May 21 – June 20

Who you are and how people see you ought to be brought into alignment. You may think you’re adequately expressing yourself, but others might see you as stronger than you should be forced to be. Analyze your needs — are they going unheard because others think that you’re a superhuman and can handle the amount of pressure or stress that you are under? Make a point of clarifying what you can genuinely handle and the support you need to operate at top efficiency.


June 21 – July 22

The temptation to disappear might be strong. You may have responded to invitations or made plans, but now feel too overwhelmed or exhausted to attend. However, if you do not communicate to others that you need to recuperate, they may be hurt by your silence. Rather than hoping that they won’t notice or that they forgot, make sure that you communicate what’s going on with you. Sharing your regrets that you can’t come and making intentional plans to reschedule can make all the difference.


July 23 – August 22

Learning more about what you need should help you find it. You might be trying to do everything on your own right now. In particular, you may have avoided seeking advice from those who are more experienced or knowledgeable — it’s possible that you’re mostly making it up as you go along! This could actually be inhibiting your progress, so look for those who can really make a positive difference for you by teaching you how to make more positive differences for yourself.


August 23 – September 22

Sometimes, restrictions are there to protect you. You might be lamenting that you’re not able to go to an event that you were eagerly anticipating, or you may be disappointed by another obstacle to your fun. Instead of worrying that this is a net negative, try to be thankful for whatever you were protected from. You think that you’re being punished, when really, you’re being defended in ways that you cannot see. This detour could even reroute you toward something much better!


September 23 – October 22

Not everything needs to be said out loud. There might be someone who’s creating stress for you, and you may find that you’re struggling to get a clear answer from them. Instead of obsessing over obtaining particular information, make a point of taking this lack of clarity as your answer. They might be letting you live in limbo — whether they’re aware of that or not. If they won’t offer any clarity, you’re allowed to quietly shift your focus somewhere more productive.


October 23 – November 21

A routine that includes relaxation should be much easier to follow. This is an ideal time to integrate something like physical therapy or meditation into your daily schedule to refresh your body and mind — you can pick anything, from running to cycling to playing with your pet. This conscious effort to care for yourself will help frustrating circumstances practically roll off of your back. The more that you lean into this, the more that you may see your perspective becoming intuitive and optimistic.


November 22 – December 21

Healing can currently be fun! You might be reluctant to fully dive into responsible habits that would improve your lifestyle — consider recruiting some friends or family to make it into a game. You might benefit from a casual competition with your loved ones to see who can get the most steps in, or a friendly game of whatever sport you all enjoy. Anything that strengthens the positivity in your bonds with others can be healing. Laughter is definitely the best medicine today.


December 22 – January 19

Be wary of going too far with an ongoing healthy habit. You may be working so hard to improve your constitution that you’re overdoing it, circling back around to hurting yourself. It can be hard to know where the line is sometimes, especially when for a competitive sign like Capricorn. You may feel like you have to be the best by doing the most, when really, you should be striving for a personal balance. The difference between poison and medicine is in the dose.


January 20 – February 18

Saying something bold is a bit too risky at the moment. You might think that you have to speak up immediately, but be aware of what the impact of your words would be. Instead of focusing on sharing the information, make sure that you are taking the feelings of others into account. It may even be that you’re not the person who needs to explain the details! If possible, encourage the person who needs to share it instead of broadcasting it yourself.


February 19 – March 20

You don’t always have to leave your comfort zone. Taking risks for the sake of taking risks can lead you down a chaotic path, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before saying yes to everything. Someone may even be encouraging you to take this risk against your better judgment. Ask yourself if going ahead could lead to less favorable circumstances for you and better ones for them. Putting yourself out there is one thing, taking chances to appease someone else is another.

8067809 2025-01-11T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-11T09:03:20+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 10, 2025 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 10, 2025

We’re replacing the bad with the good. As the changeable Moon squares balanced Venus, our old vices are beckoning us with the simplicity of nostalgia. The Moon conjoins expansive Jupiter at 5:01 pm EST to help us expand our minds even further. Internal peace will allow us to seek out fresh, healthy ways to be creative and have fun. That said, when the Moon pushes disciplined Saturn, we’ll have to face one last temptation to throw away our consistent growth on a whim. Stand strong!


March 21 – April 19

Your mind is more powerful than you might realize. You may have been caught in a complicated fog, making it hard to see how certain mindsets could be affecting everything in your life. Self-sabotage and telling yourself no before anyone can tell you yes might be hurting your chances of moving ahead. One negative experience shouldn’t set you back either, so keep looking to find that yes, rather than retreating to wherever you used to be. Step into your power, not out of it!


April 20 – May 20

Vibrant memories are potentially exacerbating recent insecurities. You might be thinking back on times when you were bullied, left out, or otherwise judged, and letting those aches impact your present. While it is understandably tough to set aside negative memories, doing so will strengthen you to ground yourself here and now. Those times are over! You can write a better story for your future, one where you get to surround yourself with supportive and like-minded people. Think with confidence to grow your confidence.


May 21 – June 20

The temptation to lose yourself in work might be strong. You might find that you feel most useful when you devote as much of your time as possible to productivity, but this risks you losing touch with yourself. Eventually, you’ll feel like a robot! This calls for updating your work/life balance, ASAP. The fastest way to stop getting things done would be to burn yourself out. To keep yourself stable, release the notion that you have to be industrious all the time.


June 21 – July 22

Vices that you already conquered could be attempting to sneakily return. Even when you’re in the best place possible, bad habits from your past will try to get you back. Take an analytical look at your life and ask yourself if any parts of it are tempting you to retread that negative path. Instead of beating yourself up for those desires, spend the day caring for yourself in healthy ways. Sometimes, distracting yourself from such influences is all it takes to move past them.


July 23 – August 22

Opportunities can be thwarted by self-sabotage. You may be provided with a chance to follow your dreams today, but if you haven’t done the work to feel secure taking on this opportunity, it might feel daunting. Instead of shying away because you feel unready, it might be a better idea to say yes and learn as you go. Be honest about where you are in your skill level or experience, but give it a shot anyway. You have to start somewhere!


August 23 – September 22

Someone may mention your reputation as a means to discourage you. They could remind you of something from your past that embarrasses you or that you worked hard to move past. You shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed! They are the ones who look malicious in this moment — you don’t have to respond at all. If you do, consider simply stating that you have grown since then and continually strive to be better. Make it clear that they can’t drag you down to their level.


September 23 – October 22

Your usual circle may not have the answers you seek. No matter how many peers you ask, they might not have the necessary experience or knowledge to help you with whatever you’re struggling with. Before giving up, try looking for advice from those in other generations or cultures — even if you don’t know them personally, the experiences of those in nonfiction books or online forums can be immensely valuable. What you’re looking for is out there, you just need to cast a wider net.


October 23 – November 21

You may find that your hobby is now a task. Be wary of painting yourself into a corner when it comes to your daily diversions by turning them into your work or allowing them to sprawl over your entire life. Be honest with yourself — is it starting to feel like a chore rather than something you do to have fun or be creative? Make an effort to reconnect with what made you enjoy this before something you love transforms into something you hate.


November 22 – December 21

Your friends may be divided into new and old. You might be connecting with someone new who is sparking transformations in you, inspiring you to grow more in a certain direction. Your other buddies may not be sure of these changes. Don’t let yourself get trapped in a false dichotomy — you shouldn’t have to abandon your past friends or your new ones. What’s stopping these disparate groups from connecting with each other? Look for similarities in both circles to soothe any conflict.


December 22 – January 19

You may presently be tempted to do things the way you used to. There might have been very demanding schedules from your past that favored productivity over stability, leading to exhaustion. Alternatively, there may have been a very boring routine that was comfortable, but led you to stagnate and miss out on opportunities. Be aware of which direction you’re leaning in, and make a conscious effort to make up for any imbalance. The more this equilibrium is restored, the more sustained, fulfilling progress you’ll achieve.


January 20 – February 18

Risks might be riskier than normal. The air is thick with temptations to make hasty investments or jump into unfamiliar situations with both feet before looking. While such rushes of adrenaline are exciting, they will likely leave you disappointed afterward. Those who are rushing you into a decision or encouraging you to make a quick but drastic change may not have your best interests at heart. Make a point of taking a moment to think before you agree to anyone’s stipulations.


February 19 – March 20

Traditional values may be stressing you out. You might be going against the grain, whether you intended to or not, which risks inviting tension between you and your family members or close friends, or even igniting an internal struggle. Part of you might still want to follow the historic path, while another side of you wants to forge your original trail. Try to focus on connecting with others and sharing love rather than proving a point. You can be both true to yourself and kind.

8066224 2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-10T08:07:59+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 09, 2025 Thu, 09 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 09, 2025

New roads are forming. The sympathetic Moon joins innovative Uranus to provide us with a unique, if not erratic, emotional life, where feelings can change on a dime. When the Moon enters adaptable Gemini at 8:07 pm EST, it may be easier to think about our situations in an open-minded way rather than relying on past information. Finally, the Moon trines chaotic Pluto, allowing us to break down emotional patterns that no longer serve us and build up modern, more beneficial ones. Find paths less followed.


March 21 – April 19

What makes you feel secure could end up giving you pause. It might be that someone is reassuring you, leading you to feel safe, and then they say something that feels off and leads you to worry. Alternatively, you may be spiraling based on past experiences with a similar situation, and are potentially psyching yourself out. Steer clear of relying on historic patterns of behavior that don’t lead to safety — do what your gut is telling you in the moment. Follow intuition, not fear!


April 20 – May 20

It may be hard to get a read on you today. Other people may see you as very changeable, blowing to and fro in the wind rather than settling on a decision. Maybe they think you’re up one moment, down the next — and maybe you are! For your own benefit, make an effort to stay grounded. Vacillating between options might have worked for you in the past, but for now, if you’re feeling indecisive, wait until you’re certain to voice how you’re feeling.


May 21 – June 20

Where are you going right now, Gemini — literally or metaphorically? You might think that you know what you want, but then take in certain details that were obscured from you “for your own good.” Someone has potentially led you down a false path. In such circumstances, making the best decision for yourself may seem all but impossible, especially knowing that more hidden facts could pop up later. Don’t force your mind to rush when you’re not certain of your knowledge.


June 21 – July 22

The company that you’re keeping might seem unpredictable. They may be upbeat and have a lot to say one second, and then swiftly downshift into somber silence. You could struggle to understand the plausible reasons for the changing tone, but make your best effort to go with the flow anyway. There could be something going on behind the scenes in the relationships of others that you’re not privy to quite yet. Be patient — someone is likely to share later on.


July 23 – August 22

Life’s goalposts might be tough to track at the moment — whether you’re chasing workplace success or trying to catch up on your to-do list. There might be changed times, places, or requirements that throw you off your rhythm and make it hard to check boxes. Instead of looking at today as a hopelessly shifting miasma of responsibility, look at it as a journey and pay attention to the conversations that you have with others. You never know who you might meet.


August 23 – September 22

The route to your destination may be completely different than you expected. Projects and trips could be coming to the forefront for you, providing you with exciting goals to work toward. You’re being challenged to think outside the box when it comes to studying, travel, and business — especially if the traditional parameters around you no longer make sense to you. Search for ways to move around your obstacles that allow you to keep your progress rolling. Let your brain roam free!


September 23 – October 22

The feelings that you were keeping inside are ready to burst free! Think back to any event that led you to feel strongly, particularly if you had to hold your tongue to keep from making a scene or hurting someone else. Repressing such emotions is tough, and you could be caught going back and forth within yourself to try and determine whether it would be better to speak up or remain silent. If the issue reoccurs frequently, try and talk it out privately.


October 23 – November 21

Personal connections could feel far from steady. You might worry that you are unable to be the consistent friend that someone else needs because of other responsibilities in your life. On the other hand, maybe you’re the one who is seeking stable companionship and not finding it. It could be that both of you are on a chaotic flight path! Don’t worry — once you land, you should be able to see where you mutually could have shown up better. Stay as grounded as possible.


November 22 – December 21

Rapid changes to your day-to-day life might require a helping hand to handle properly. Reaching out for someone who may have the knowledge and capacity to support you would be wise — especially if you know they’ve already done this successfully before. The whole situation can balance itself as a give-and-take, where you express willingness to assist them in the future with something you might have greater access to than they do. Tapping into gratitude will open up countless fresh paths.


December 22 – January 19

Plausibly exciting ideas might lose their appeal as they get closer. Sometimes an event sounded like a lot of fun when you were planning to go, but once the time arrives, it doesn’t seem like such a good time. It may be that you’ve learned more details that turn you off, or potentially bad weather is getting in the way. Be honest with yourself about how you want to spend your day. If you’d have less fun there than somewhere else, be open to change.


January 20 – February 18

Your recent comfort levels might be unstable. Perhaps you’ll be fully relaxed when you get a surprise that disconnects you from your peace, or you may be concerned about something that speedily turns out for the best, providing you with instant relief. The important thing to remember is that your emotions will probably go up and down, but this roller coaster will end eventually. Still, for the moment, you’d be wise to avoid making important decisions. Wait until the ride comes to a stop!


February 19 – March 20

What you say and what you feel may not be in alignment. You might be exaggerating for comedic effect or simply thinking out loud, but other people could believe that these are serious statements of how you’re feeling. They’re probably completely off base! Be aware of how you may come across to others right now, because your true feelings can get lost in translation. Make sure that you’re clear in your meaning so that they can hear your real message. Communicate your truth!

8064486 2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-09T08:19:03+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 08, 2025 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 08, 2025

Serious mindsets have both benefits and drawbacks. While the cautious Moon works hand-in-hand with balanced Venus to create a relaxed and pleasant emotional environment, perfect for abundant socializing, we may feel on top of the world. Messenger Mercury soars into serious Capricorn at 5:30 am EST, leading us to speak with authority, make plans with intent to follow through, and establish consistent routines. Watch out! The confident Sun then squares sore Chiron, which could be humbling to any overblown egos. Stay humble for the best results.


March 21 – April 19

You’re allowing yourself to see new ways forward. You may have been taking the simpler or safer route, but it might not be as fulfilling as you had hoped. Even when you’re excellent at what you do, if you don’t feel like you’re doing what you are meant to be doing, give what you’re really passionate about a shot. Working on both at the same time could be required for a little while. This probably won’t be easy, but it’s worth a try.


April 20 – May 20

Your heart is calling you — but where to? It might feel like a pipe dream for the moment, but you have the potential to put in the work and make it a reality. The universe is empowering your mental organization, so you can determine how to make things happen for yourself, especially when it comes to higher education, spirituality, and travel. You might be closer than you think to something that you’ve always dreamed of doing. Go take the next step toward that dream!


May 21 – June 20

You might be on a wavelength with someone else. At first, it could feel odd to finish each other’s sentences, text each other at the same time, or bring up something that the other one was just thinking about, but this allows you to work in sync with each other more easily. Let this intuitive bond help you help each other and grow your connection, regardless of its type. Make an effort to sync up and work on joint projects or plans.


June 21 – July 22

True friendship is more vital than ever. If you’re feeling down or need some assistance, reach out sooner rather than later. Those who are there for you should reach back. Even if they can’t show up physically, good friends can show up emotionally with a caring message in return. Acquaintances or false friends, on the other hand, will be far less willing to assist. Those who show up for you through words or deeds are true pals. Remember to appreciate them as such!


July 23 – August 22

Simply showing up and doing the work is half the battle. You might feel as though you have insurmountable tasks ahead of you, but you have everything that you need in your soul’s toolbox. Don’t let the issue intimidate you into believing it’s bigger than it actually is! Start small first, and take it step by step. Trying to figure out how to skip steps, cut corners, or put in less effort may take just as long as doing the work. Don’t rush this.


August 23 – September 22

Make time for fun! You may have become overwhelmed with the needs of others as of late. While your generosity is wonderful, leaving no time for yourself can dim your light. Make sure that you are still taking opportunities to be silly and spontaneous. Sacrificing your time and energy for those around you is noble in theory, but depleting yourself by giving everything away won’t help anyone — especially your future self. Replenish your sense of joy by getting some rest!


September 23 – October 22

You need a sanctuary. Perhaps you’ve been spending your time in groups or stuck sharing a space with someone else most of the time, leaving little space for solitude either way. Other people’s opinions and personalities could be watering down yours, you deserve time to get in touch with your Libra energy again. Leaving yourself out of the equation and going along with what other people want is not right for you. While you might love spending time with others, alone time matters.


October 23 – November 21

You’re speaking up, Scorpio! Once upon a time, you may have avoided sharing your opinion. Others can’t criticize you if they don’t know what you’re thinking! This could lead to you letting things go silently while resentment simmers in your soul. Instead of going all the way in the other direction and bluntly blurting out every opinion, you can make more progress by diplomatically opening a dialogue and explaining your side. Otherwise, you might bottle things up into a Molotov cocktail of emotions!


November 22 – December 21

Nothing is standing in your way — except fear. Even if other people’s criticisms of you have typically pushed you into silence, you are reaching a point where their complaints wash off without wounding you. Your security in yourself may be stronger than before, and that, combined with consistent support, can help you feel downright unshakable. Once you’ve realized that the opinions of others cannot hurt you, you can be who you really are and express yourself fully. Don’t let anxiety hold you back.


December 22 – January 19

Capricorn is key at this moment. The conversation could be coming back to you in a multitude of ways, potentially bringing love, friendship, travel, and chances for fun. Regardless, you’re the one most capable of making it all happen. Make the rounds, set the plans, and let your sense of adventure be your guide. If it sounds fun to you, put it in the itinerary, and if you think others would have fun, invite them along! They might be talking about this for a while!


January 20 – February 18

Memories you had forgotten might return at any moment. This can be bittersweet, bringing back the good times and the bad as you could find yourself comparing the past to the present. If you pay attention too long, you may get trapped in your history and forget to look to the future for what’s possible. What’s already happened can’t be shifted now, it can only be acknowledged and let go. Turn your eyes to the horizon, better times are ahead!


February 19 – March 20

No one should tell you who you are! There might be people who are trying to put a label on you right now, one that’s probably reductive or even totally inaccurate. You may try to escape it by making a case for yourself, but you can’t change people’s minds — you can only give them the correct information. They choose what to do with it. Whether they give you the understanding you deserve or they continue trying to box you up, keep being you.

8062573 2025-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-08T08:19:24+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 07, 2025 Tue, 07 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 07, 2025

Sometimes, what’s most obvious is what’s missing. As the emotional Moon trines communicative Mercury, we’re probably eager to share with others, connect with loved ones, and express our feelings in passionate ways. As the Moon proceeds from fiery Aries into grounded Taurus, what was said thoughtlessly in the moment may feel too dramatic or blunt. At 7:28 pm EST, when Mercury struggles to connect with rash Mars, it can become a bigger issue than was ever intended. Let’s restore that balance.


March 21 – April 19

Trying to share what you’re interested in may backfire. You might think that you’re just talking about interesting things you’ve learned, but your peers could believe that you’re bragging or purposefully trying to confuse them. Still, they can misunderstand your intentions, but there is nothing that you can do other than be yourself. If it turns out that they just aren’t on the same wavelength as you, then it might be a short-lived connection. Don’t worry — someone else will appreciate your enthusiasm!


April 20 – May 20

Telling information that was someone else’s to say could create problems — whether you thought everyone already knew the details or accidentally shared share out of turn. Watch out for animosity between you and the person whose tea you’ve spilled, as things might break down quickly! Do your best to ensure that you’re not speaking for someone who doesn’t want to be spoken for, because if you do, things will abruptly get rocky. Let them speak up if they want to.


May 21 – June 20

Insecurities could open rifts in your recent relationships. Making a joke that hits too close to home or saying something overly pointed may spark insecurities that seed future resentment. It can be hard to see these cracks forming as they begin, even if they’re growing within you. As time goes on, you may notice the other person pulling away or find yourself withdrawing — depending on which role you are playing. Make a point to speak kindly to the people that you care about.


June 21 – July 22

A friend may not be rooting for you like you thought they were. You might discover this as you reach out to them to celebrate a win, and their behavior plainly shows their lack of shared excitement. While it could feel like an opportunity to turn the other cheek, it may not be a good idea to sit in silence about this feeling. If they can’t be happy for you when good things are happening, then what do they want for you?


July 23 – August 22

What could you be missing in the heat of the moment? Someone might have struck a nerve in you, possibly pushing you to react in a way that is unexpected — even to yourself. You may not have realized how much you cared about this, so be prepared to give it more attention internally. Rather than allowing your passion to overcome you and embolden you to say regrettable things or make rash decisions, take a beat to breathe. Figure out what you’re feeling.


August 23 – September 22

Surprising conflict in a group could lead to hurt feelings. You might not have expected two people wound one another like this, as it’s likely more heated than you have seen from them before. Maybe you’re simply confused about what actually took place. It may feel like everyone has conflicting points of view, so ultimately, trying to make everything make sense might not be a genuine possibility. There are often three truths: one point of view, another point of view, and what truly happened.


September 23 – October 22

A lack of leadership could set off arguments. You might be struggling with a tough decision — the kind of choice that’s hard enough without others simultaneously fighting for control. Instead of feeling like you need to take a step down, make your voice heard and have a say in the outcome. If you don’t say anything, you may regret it once everyone else has judged the situation for you. They will have had their input, so make sure that you have yours.


October 23 – November 21

Being secure in who you are may trigger others. You might bring an authentically unique energy to a party. This can be intense for others to handle, even when nothing is really happening. The gravity and magnetism that you carry can be challenging for those who are not comfortable with themselves. Any attempts to undermine you because of their issues should be ignored. Let your confidence speak for itself and don’t worry about the opinions of those who can’t do the same!


November 22 – December 21

You might be who everyone is talking about, Scorpio! Maybe you’ve done something of note that everyone has something to say about. Whatever the details are, be ready for everyone to be practically glued to them. They may seem unable to stop talking about you. It can feel like a lot of pressure to have so much buzz centered around you, but you’re capable of taking it in stride. You can be the talk of the town without sharing beyond your comfort level.


December 22 – January 19

Miscommunication or deception? You might be suffering the consequences of misunderstanding someone else, even if it wasn’t your fault. They could have made a mistake in communicating the information, or they may not have been fully honest with you about what was taking place. Figuring out what really happened will probably be rough — it might be wise to lessen this person’s influence on your path from now on. It’s time to take back control of the direction you’re going!


January 20 – February 18

Unprecedented words may be splitting up your group. Someone might be trying to shut another person out of the circle or even sow discord and make everyone distrust each other. It’s important to hear them out, since they could have a good reason for being suspicious of a specific individual. That said, if they have nothing good to say about anyone, it might be time to reconsider their place in your network. Otherwise, it may not stay connected for much longer!


February 19 – March 20

Excessive passion can be misinterpreted from the outside. You might truly feel strongly about a person, situation, or cause, and are merely attempting to direct your passion into positive avenues. Be aware that others may accuse you of showing off or giving too much time to your interests. Ultimately, it’s your life — live it in a way that makes you feel alive! Once they see your vision come to life, naysayers may realize that they were wrong to discourage you.

8060874 2025-01-07T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-07T08:14:46+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 06, 2025 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 06, 2025

Our pasts still matter in the present. Intense Mars moves backward into guarded Cancer at 5:44 am EST, as its retrograde path has us revisiting any matters that we have yet to find closure on. Later, communicative Mercury pushes confusing Neptune, making it hard to tell up from down. Misunderstandings and forgetfulness don’t mix well! Thankfully, once the thoughtful Moon conjoins wounded Chiron, we’ll understand how to give one another time to think — and, eventually, heal. We must honor the needs of our souls.


March 21 – April 19

Certain family matters can’t go unaddressed any longer. These might be arguments that you had with biological relatives, joint businesses that you share with committed partners, or even future plans that you’re building with your chosen family. You may be able to see what actually went wrong between you at any past point and make amends. Keep in mind the risk of getting too passionate and reopening old wounds. You’re capable of compromising and moving forward in a way that works for everyone.


April 20 – May 20

Old conversations could be back for round two. Whether or not you’re the one that brings it back up, be honest with yourself about what you want to say and how you really feel. Dodging the issue, avoiding communication, or trying to sugarcoat your emotions regarding the situation invites hard feelings down the line. There’s no need to be harsh — make sure to allow them to have equally genuine self-expression. That way, you have a good chance of putting it to bed.


May 21 – June 20

Half-done jobs may require your attention — particularly any projects that didn’t get all of your energy in the past. At the time, there was probably just too much going on for you to give it the attention it deserved. Today, you’re able to focus on such ideas in a healthy way. Don’t feel that because you weren’t able to do it perfectly the first time that you can’t go back and improve on it. Life is a work in progress!


June 21 – July 22

You could be getting a second chance, especially if you thought that you’d been passed over when it came to an opportunity that you were very excited about. Even if you weren’t initially chosen, you may notice that you’re beginning to get attention again. It might not be the exact same opportunity, but there is likely a connection between the two. Keep trying until you get your yes! If it’s something that really matters to you, continue to put yourself out there.


July 23 – August 22

Your mindset may need to be reevaluated. There could be an end goal that you’re working toward, and you thought you had the formula for success, but you’re beginning to realize that it’s not producing your desired results. Instead of continuing to throw yourself into the same pattern you’ve been trapped in, make a conscious effort to modify the pattern into one that works better for you. You know what you want — you may just need to reroute your path to it.


August 23 – September 22

A dream you thought you’d forgotten could be back with vigor! You may have taken no for an answer a long time ago, or perhaps a different interest took over your focus. As you recall those old ambitions, the new heights you’re capable of reaching will come into view. A single new door opening could be all it takes to revive your past passion — even if you built that door yourself. You might as well give it a shot!


September 23 – October 22

A career opportunity might be coming back around after you thought you’d missed it. You may have even interviewed for this opportunity before and were passed over, but this second chance could prove itself even more fortunate than the first. Tap into your confidence and show that you have grown since the last time you spoke! You’re ready for any challenges that might come your way. Keep up a competent, calm demeanor — it’ll help you get where you need to go.


October 23 – November 21

Up-to-date knowledge could transform your regular routine. It might have been difficult for you to stick to an ongoing schedule, potentially because you couldn’t find the right motivation. Today, at last, you may have discovered a method that works for you — something that fits your schedule, personality, and lifestyle. While change is always a bit challenging, as it requires you to step outside of your comfort zone, great things are likely in store on the other side of this shift.


November 22 – December 21

Secrets can’t stay secret forever! Brace yourself for the reveal of information that changes how you feel about something you’ve been keeping quiet. Regardless of whose secret this is, brand-new context can alter how you choose to handle what you’ve been keeping inside. You may now feel free to share, such as if the information has been made public knowledge, or you might simply be gaining another perspective on facts that you already know. Just don’t let gossip get you in trouble!


December 22 – January 19

A past issue may be revisited without warning — even if you were convinced that it had been fully buried. Someone else might still be upset about what happened, and they’re likely still hoping for better closure. It could be that you’re the one seeking finality, but either way, someone will need to be honest about why they’re not answering questions. An unmentioned elephant in the room might be blocking the path to healing — once this is overcome, you can find each other again.


January 20 – February 18

A single conversation with someone may change your mindset. You may have thought that you had a clear-cut plan for success, but hearing someone else’s story might give you pause. In particular, if they worked in a career or lived a lifestyle that you desire, listening to the advice they want to share is crucial. Of course, your journey is your own, but it might be worth it to hear how to avoid potential pitfalls in the future. Learn from their mistakes and triumphs.


February 19 – March 20

Old passions can be reignited. There might be a hobby or a creative talent of yours that you did not pursue seriously, and you might have thought that you no longer had an interest for it. However, you may notice an internal shift leading you to go back to this interest of yours, giving it the space to meet you in the current era of your life. Be open to what this could mean for you. In the meantime, just have fun expressing yourself!

8059140 2025-01-06T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-06T08:16:51+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 05, 2025 Sun, 05 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 05, 2025

We can forge our own paths. The sensitive Moon joins with dreamy Neptune in its home sign of Pisces, heightening our intuitions and our creative sparks. At 2:01 pm EST, the Moon leaves Pisces to buoy up independent Aries, providing a dynamic get-up-and-go motivation to our inner lives. To cap off the day, the Moon trines fiery Mars, allowing us to move at the pace we prefer — not the pace everyone else does. Let’s let passion and uniqueness be our guides.


March 21 – April 19

Following your instincts is a great idea at present. You may notice that your mood seems to shift depending on where you are, who you’re talking to, and what you’re doing. Pay attention to these shifts and take note of the things that make you feel most alive and authentic. These are the areas of life that you need to put more energy into as you hone your efforts around self-realization. You never know, some other like-minded people might soon join you!


April 20 – May 20

You could be about to connect with your soul family. Whether these people are your biological family members or friends that mean a lot to you, don’t block yourself from connecting with them on a heart level. There may be things that they want to open up about to you, and providing them with the space to do so should strengthen your connection. The more intentional you are about nourishing these deep bonds, the more successful this time can be for everyone.


May 21 – June 20

Joining your community in a meaningful way can greatly benefit you. Keep your eyes open for chances to give back, especially when you find yourself with more energy or motivation than typical. This will help you maximize your positive impact, and your efforts won’t go to waste when you spend them on causes that you care about. Now is a time for community outreach and spending a little free time making the world around you a better place. It’s as easy as that!


June 21 – July 22

Opportunities for abundance may demand bold action! Your desire to solidify your security might encourage you to look for ways to move up in your career, plan a side hustle, or even move into a leadership position. This doesn’t only have to apply to financial growth or career progress — it can also be an inner assuredness that leads you to act with more confidence in your daily life, opening all sorts of doors for you. It’s up to you to make these plans!


July 23 – August 22

Don’t rush yourself. If you’ve been playing small or avoiding the spotlight, it’s still okay to take a break to regain your energy. Getting out there before you’re ready, whether you’re exhausted, confused, or simply require space, might do more harm than good. Find your footing, and don’t feel like you have to be “on” all the time. The more that you respect your work/life balance by resting when you need it, the better prepared you will be for tomorrow. Know when to chill.


August 23 – September 22

What you hold onto could hold you back. You may feel as though you must clutch certain memories or emotional wounds, but it is time to let go and make space for healing. This doesn’t mean that you have to accept someone who hurt you into your life, but it’s time to turn your eyes toward the present and try to stop looking at what you cannot change. Focus on where you are now and how you can show up for yourself each day.


September 23 – October 22

Find balance to surpass your obstacles. There might be confusion that makes it difficult to plan your day, or there may be people standing in the way of your progress, leading to frustration. Instead of allowing this to get you down, search for compassion and patience in these situations. They might end up moving a lot more smoothly! The temptation to fight fire with fire may be there beneath the surface, but keep cool. Don’t let frustration take you out of your character.


October 23 – November 21

Your work ethic can speak for itself. Don’t hesitate to show someone what you are capable of being responsible for — and while you can say a lot with words, your actions will speak so much louder. When you can show what you’ve created and accomplished in the past, rather than just describing your talents, you can make a much greater difference on someone else’s perspective of you at this time. If you need to impress, get to work proving what you’re really made of.


November 22 – December 21

You don’t have to go far to extend your point of view. You might find yourself exploring your family history, the memories that color your past, or your hometown, and learning more about those things than you ever did before. It can be eye-opening to see those who came before you, whether in your family or in the place you live. Open your mind to learning how they did things back then — it may give you a refreshed perspective on your own future.


December 22 – January 19

You’re done keeping everything inside! That said, while it is good to speak your heart, it’s also vital to express yourself with tact and sensitivity. Bluntly saying what you’re thinking could hurt the other person, and being conscious of their emotions can guide both of you forward with positivity. Give them the space to say what’s on their mind as well, since every connection is a two-way street. When you’re able to express yourself and listen, you can break new ground in your connection.


January 20 – February 18

Sometimes, the best way to spend time together is to relax. Big plans with loved ones can be fun, but remember that you’re not required to do anything larger than life. You can just enjoy each other’s company, reminisce, make one other laugh, and play casual games. The less effort and stress that’s involved in making your meeting happen, the better the day is likely to go. Maybe it’ll all take place in your backyard — no décor required. Stop and smell the roses!


February 19 – March 20

It’s good to go with the flow. Trying to force yourself to adhere to a rigid schedule probably won’t turn out like you want it to. Free both your mind and your schedule so that you can take any opportunities that life gives you today. You may notice that there are events that you didn’t know were coming. Taking a spontaneous trip to experience this event could become more memorable than you expected. Allow the current to take you where it will.

8058397 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-05T13:23:56+00:00
Daily Horoscope for January 04, 2025 Sat, 04 Jan 2025 05:00:00 +0000

General Daily Insight for January 04, 2025

Unsteady beginnings can become more solid. First, the delicate Moon clashes with expansive Jupiter, blowing emotional responses out of proportion and making it harder to recognize boundaries. When the Moon joins with serious Saturn later on, the reality of the situation becomes visible, as our emotions stop clouding our vision. Finally, the confident Sun supports Saturn at 5:36 pm EST, advising us to make fair judgments with a clear head. Don’t make snap decisions when off-balance — wait until both feet are on the ground.


March 21 – April 19

What other people project onto you isn’t necessarily who you are. While you are the protagonist of your story, in the narratives of others, you might be a hero, a villain, or somewhere in between. Your words and actions both impact this, but their perception will be what they remember about you. They may try to tell you that you’re someone you’re not, and that could shake you. Don’t let them tear you down! Be the person that YOU know you can be.


April 20 – May 20

Your current friends may be able to light the road ahead. You might feel like you have most of the map memorized, but something is potentially missing from your life, leaving you \unfulfilled in one way or another. While you might not be able to grasp the details yourself, your pals may have noticed that you’re happier when you’re in a team sport, or that you light up around a certain acquaintance that you haven’t considered befriending further. Be open to what they suggest.


May 21 – June 20

Your present to-do list could be long. Overwhelming ongoing responsibilities plus others piling work onto your plate equals one bad time! On top of that, you may have to make a difficult decision that will affect multiple people, and you might not be sure what the answer is with such pressure on you. Even when life gets this intense, you have the tools that you need to vanquish it and make the right choice for everyone. Don’t shy away from such hard calls.


June 21 – July 22

Not having clear boundaries might come back to bite you at any moment. You could have left things open-ended with someone who took your actions to mean something else. No matter how much you’ve hoped that a situation would solve itself, it will probably require your input. Those involved may start telling other people what they interpreted from your silence, and attempting to clarify after that would be complicated. Let them know what your true intentions were, then leave it at that if you can.


July 23 – August 22

Other people might volunteer you for something that you don’t want to do. You may not have expressed that you didn’t want to do this before they signed you up without asking, making it difficult to navigate. Do you take the plunge and try to be a good sport, or stand firm and say that you won’t be doing it regardless? It may be socially easier to simply do it, but make it known that you won’t be interested in being “volun-told” a second time.


August 23 – September 22

The credit you deserve is in danger of going to someone else. You might have to speak firmly in order to make it known that this was your hard work, and you deserve partial (if not full!) credit for the effort you expended. No matter how nerve-wracking it sounds to advocate for yourself when someone else is being celebrated, fair is fair! You aren’t seeking false attention — you’re merely asking for the appreciation you’ve earned. Don’t let anyone write you out of your story.


September 23 – October 22

Life won’t necessarily be easy today, but you’ve got this! Even if you feel as though you’re already taking on more than you can handle, the power is within you. First, make a point of setting boundaries with your boss so that your workload becomes more manageable, or perhaps doing the same with a friend so that you’re not spending excessive time together. Giving so much of yourself to others will leave little time for what you want, so make sure you’re creating that time.


October 23 – November 21

You know you deserve to be taken seriously, Scorpio — but you’d be wise to prove that with your voice rather than your scorpion stinger. If someone keeps brushing off your concerns, you may have to speak up for yourself again and insist on being heard. Repeatedly raising the issue may feel uncomfortable when you’ve been told it’s not that serious, but you’re the only one who can communicate your experience. Provide your point with confidence, and they’ll have a hard time ignoring your impact.


November 22 – December 21

You’re learning to release things that don’t concern you. You may have felt very strongly about a situation in the past, something that you’re now realizing had nothing to do with you. It could be that you receive clarity about this situation from someone else who was involved at that time, or you could find this eureka moment on your own while thinking back to the incident. Let it go and give yourself permission to move forward unburdened into the future.


December 22 – January 19

Holding back will probably be hard at present. You might see the flaws or mistakes that another person is showing, either in conversation or while working together. This could push your buttons more than it normally would. They may even be critical of you, tempting you to give as good as you’ve gotten — this would not be the right move. If you shoot back at them, you risk sinking to their level. Rather than fighting fire with fire, shut down their pettiness with kindness.


January 20 – February 18

The fun you have may be directly connected to how secure you feel. There might be an opportunity to either sink or swim — sinking could be embarrassing, but if you swim, you’ll be so happy you did. Ultimately, you shouldn’t feel as though you’re in competition with anyone other than yourself. You deserve to have fun, whether you succeed or need to try again. There’s a first time for everything, so don’t feel like you have to be perfect right away!


February 19 – March 20

Where you are should reflect who you are. When you’re stuck somewhere that’s disorganized — or even TOO organized — it could dampen your energy and wear you out over time. Take this moment to plan some ways to redecorate and carve out a place that’s just for you, even if it’s just a corner of your bedroom. Personalize it in any way you can and make it somewhere that you can chill out. Don’t worry about what others will think about it!

8057560 2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 2025-01-04T00:00:00+00:00