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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for December 26, 2024

No idea is too grand or farfetched — at least, it seems that way at first. The Moon is in Scorpio, where it will quincunx Jupiter before trining Saturn, identifying the middle ground between enthusiasm and efficiency. The Moon will also muddle things with Chiron, over-sensitizing everyone. Don’t worry! We can come up with fabulous solutions when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini at 5:48 pm EST. That being said, we must remember to make these solutions realistic, or they won’t pan out.


March 21 – April 19

Your brain is firing on all cylinders. A crackling opposition between Mercury in your 9th House of Learning and Jupiter in your 3rd House of Local Community will have you pinging back and forth all over the place! It’s likely your own ideas and enthusiasms that are sparking this exceptional energy. As fun as this process is, keep in mind that if you ever want these pitches to become reality, you will need to settle down and properly pursue them sooner or later.


April 20 – May 20

Financial flights of fancy are certainly fun, but don’t go splurging just because you can. Mercury in your 8th House of Big Money eggs on powerful Jupiter in your 2nd House of Income, which could make it almost impossible to deny yourself anything. Mercury can provide you with lots of ways to afford the things you want, but you’d be wise to hold off on any major purchases until the planets move into less excitable places. Your bank account will thank you.


May 21 – June 20

People can get a reaction out of you at the drop of a hat. Intellectual Mercury is in your affiliation sector, making you especially receptive to other people’s ideas and opinions. That said, someone could set you off abruptly when Mercury shoves Jupiter in your sign. That isn’t to say this reaction is a bad thing or that you’re bound to act out in a negative way, but it may catch you off guard, nonetheless. Do your best to gauge your feelings properly before responding.


June 21 – July 22

Watch out for what’s right in front of your nose! Today’s opposition between Mercury in your efficiency sector and Jupiter in your subconscious realm could have you digging so deep into the details that you fail to comprehend the bigger picture at play. Instead of getting stuck in a funk or blinded by internal walls, make a point of stepping back from things periodically to make sure everything is as it should be. If it isn’t, ask yourself what needs to change.


July 23 – August 22

This could be an exceptionally fun day — if you’re willing to go along to get along. Mercury in your 5th House of Decadence is encouraging you to do as you please, but an opposition between Mercury and Jupiter in your 11th House of Humanity will require you to get on the same page as other people to fully enjoy yourself. If you only follow your singular program, you may feel rather lonely or dissatisfied, so be willing to compromise and play nice.


August 23 – September 22

Your emotions are a powerful tool when skillfully wielded at present. Mercury is striding through your deep-feeling 4th house, so you’re very in tune with your needs and sensitivities at the moment. As Mercury pokes lucky Jupiter in your career quadrant, your focus is drawn upward and outward. Instead of leaving your emotions behind, consider bringing them with you and allowing them to act as fuel to get where you’re going. Shoving yourself into an emotionless box won’t increase your productivity in the long run!


September 23 – October 22

Today could feel positively endless. Mercury is keeping you on your toes with one thing after another. In contrast, the messenger planet simultaneously opposes Jupiter in your philosophy sector, encouraging you to think as big as possible. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you spend all your time considering the possibilities then you won’t actually go anywhere! Make an effort to choose a path and stick to it, or else it will take much longer to reach the finish line.


October 23 – November 21

Today could prove rather lucrative for you, lucky Scorpio. Mercury in your money zone is opposing Jupiter in your shared resources sector, which may result in a nice windfall landing in your lap. If you’ve been looking for a loan or dealing with important financial matters, then this alignment can further your progress toward a comfortable conclusion. Jupiter is encouraging other people to give you the benefit of the doubt as well. Be grateful as any gifts arrive, as days like this are rare.


November 22 – December 21

Something wonderful can be built by allowing outside assistance. Your mind is positively buzzing with possibilities while energetic Mercury gallops through your 1st House of Action. This energy gets wonderfully amplified as Mercury opposes your sign’s ruling planet, Jupiter, in your 7th House of Partnerships. Their collaboration invites you to open up to others and allow them to bring their ideas to the table. Don’t block them out, because each and every person has unique insights to offer any situation. Lean into cooperation.


December 22 – January 19

It’s alright if you lose track of things every once in a while. You’re prone to being a little bit out of it or in a mental fog while messenger Mercury is in your secretive 12th house, even as its opposition to Jupiter in your dependable 6th house could remind you of something urgent that you’ve yet to accomplish. Fortunately, this is also a very supportive area, so chances are high that there will be helping hands to make sure you don’t fall behind.


January 20 – February 18

There’s rarely been a better day to do as you please. A stunning opposition between Mercury in your outgoing 11th house and Jupiter in your fame-seeking 5th house is encouraging you to put yourself out there and take the lead, even if you typically prefer to hang back and leave that to others. Follow your passions! You may soon realize everyone else is happy to fall in line and follow your example, so show them the way and everyone should wind up thoroughly satisfied.


February 19 – March 20

Domestic matters may overshadow other affairs. You’ve got your mind set on achieving your goals while Mercury tours your 10th House of Status, but its opposition to Jupiter in your 4th House of Care could divert your attention, though not necessarily in a bad way. You may need to deal with a family matter or some issues around the house, which could get in the way of your original plans. Still, Jupiter doesn’t want to cause problems, so there isn’t much to fear overall.

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