General Daily Insight for December 27, 2024
There’s a cosmic traffic jam overhead. Mercury is cruising through outgoing Sagittarius, but it’s also locking into a tough square with icy Saturn in slippery Pisces at 2:29 am EST. This may force us to spin our wheels while we wait for better conditions. The Moon in Scorpio will oppose change-maker Uranus in Taurus before entering Sagittarius, making slowness extra unappealing. Luckily, the lunar trine to Mars in Leo gives us a chance to ferret out the most productive and positive way forward.
March 21 – April 19
Your ideas can only take you so far today. Mercury is gliding through your 9th House of Adventure, giving you a taste for the unfamiliar and exotic. Conversely, the messenger planet is locking into a tough square with Saturn in your 12th House of the Subconscious — this could leave you spinning in circles. Be wary of missing an important piece of the puzzle, as doing so risks major damage to any ongoing plans. Don’t push things past what you’re certain you can handle.
April 20 – May 20
A certain sense of unease hangs over your day. The spat between Mercury in your psychological 8th house and Saturn in your extroverted 11th house could leave you a little uncomfortable in multiple ways. Social interactions may get tricky as you bounce back and forth between keeping your cards close to your chest and wearing your heart on your sleeve. People may not respect your feelings as much as you would hope, so don’t be shocked if they miss the signals you’re putting out.
May 21 – June 20
Your ambitions aren’t easily ignored. Other people may want you to hop on their bandwagon and spend time on their page while Mercury tours your 7th House of Projection. With such a busy planet squaring Saturn in your authority zone, that’ll probably create some tension! Just because other people want things from you doesn’t mean you can deliver, not when you’ve got ongoing plans of your own. Just try to maintain a sense of understanding when you tell them you’re not available.
June 21 – July 22
Don’t go overboard, no matter how tempting the idea presently sounds. You will do much better by focusing on the details while rational Mercury moves through your skilled 6th house, especially since it’s squaring stoic Saturn in your experimental 9th house. Saturn’s ultra-conventional approach means that you risk getting thrown off course the moment you try to buck convention and shake things up. No matter how much you usually prefer to color outside the lines, keep things simple for the time being.
July 23 – August 22
Today could feel rather like a homework assignment. You want to enjoy yourself and do as you please while Mercury trots through your recreational 5th house. Hold on! The party bus might screech to a halt during the argument between Mercury and Saturn in your powerful 8th house. You may need to deal with some important paperwork or parse through an agreement that is anything but pleasurable — and it likely won’t be avoidable, either. Tend to your responsibilities as required.
August 23 – September 22
People mean well, Virgo, but that doesn’t mean they’re actually going to be helpful at the moment. A tough angle between Mercury in your touchy 4th house and Saturn in your connected 7th house won’t make it easy to get on the same page as the important people in your life. The road ahead is rocky, but manageable. Avoid expecting anything from anyone by being as self-reliant as you can, even if only for the day. The planets will shift soon enough.
September 23 – October 22
There’s work to be done, even if you’d rather not do it. Mercury is in your conversational 3rd house, so it’s fair if you’d rather get out and socialize. Regardless, the uncomfortable angle to Saturn in your detail-oriented 6th house may force you to get down to basics. That isn’t to say you can’t still have fun or be your friendliest self, but you’ll need to check off your chores before you can turn around and go circulate with your preferred people.
October 23 – November 21
Balancing work and play is the name of the game. Clever Mercury encourages a precisely efficient frame of mind from your 2nd House of Revenue, equipping you to clarify your financial security. Contrastingly, Mercury’s square to Saturn in your 5th House of Hobbies is a reminder that you also need to make time to enjoy yourself. There is no point in living a life that is nothing but dealing with facts and figures, so set aside time to live it up a little!
November 22 – December 21
Heavy emotions might be slowing you down. The tension between wordy Mercury in your sign and stoic Saturn in your 4th House of Authentic Emotion isn’t helping — it could leave you feeling more dramatic than a Shakespearean monologue. It can be only too easy to see the negative side of things, and from there, keep focusing on them until that’s all you see. Take a step back to view the situation as a whole. Things probably aren’t actually so bad!
December 22 – January 19
Getting from A to B isn’t as simple as it sounds right now. There is a fog hanging over even the most basic interactions as Mercury in your pensive 12th house squares Saturn in your busy 3rd house. Watch out, or important information will get lost in translation! The wisest approach would be to leave any significant conversations or vital matters for another time, because they probably won’t be handled well under this complicated alignment. Wait for more productive skies to act.
January 20 – February 18
Roll up your sleeves, whether you want to or not, Aquarius. You might be in the mood to socialize with your preferred people while Mercury is in your 11th House of Community, but the cosmic chatterbox is struggling with Saturn in your 2nd House of Practical Security. Work may speedily become more pressing than play! Perhaps you have to take on more responsibilities than originally planned, or maybe a sudden assignment gets in the way of frolicking with friends. Brace yourself for such blockages.
February 19 – March 20
Avoid rushing too far, too fast. You have every reason to rush up the career ladder while Mercury is in your 10th House of Recognition, but its square to Saturn in your sign could leave you feeling like a bumper car unable to get anywhere without it being an absolute hassle. Saturn is demanding that you get serious, while Mercury wants to zoom off into the future. You’d do well to pump the brakes to avoid getting lost along the way.