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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for December 28, 2024

The planets are encouraging us all to spin the wheel and take a chance. Aesthetic Venus is making a rare yet powerful square to rebel Uranus at 2:42 am EST, giving us all the urge to throw caution to the wind and see what rewards we can rake in when we bet on ourselves. The Moon will then oppose Jupiter before squaring Saturn, further amping up our ambitions. When Luna finally conjoins Mercury, we’ll be able to grasp our long-term aims with clarity.


March 21 – April 19

This isn’t the best time to throw your money around, even if it seems like a good idea. A tough square is going to be testing your resources and your responsibility as Venus in your freewheeling 11th house strikes at Uranus in your materialistic 2nd house. It can be dangerously easy to hand out cash for anything and everything under this alignment. Even if you can afford it in the moment, buyer’s remorse is right around the corner. Avoid making any flippant purchases!


April 20 – May 20

You can surprise everyone today, including yourself! A potent square between your sign’s ruler Venus in your public-facing 10th house and change-maker Uranus in your determined sign is urging you to color outside the lines — preferably where everyone can see. It’s all well and good to let your freak flag fly, but make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons, or else some people may think you’re just acting out for attention. Be your authentic self, and it’ll be tough to go wrong.


May 21 – June 20

Life is presenting itself as an endless buffet. Bountiful Venus is dancing through your 9th House of Exploration, giving you a taste for the exotic. Venus is also energetically enabling eccentric Uranus in your 12th House of Fantasy, so you’re probably more than ready to leave reality far behind. You can go off and sample as much of the world as you like! On the other hand, you should keep track of where you came from, or you might get lost along the way.


June 21 – July 22

Herding cats can be both entertaining and exhausting. This is just one of those times as Venus in your intense 8th house squares off Uranus in your friendly 11th house, a combination which will send you pinging all over the place as you try to pin people down. Those around you will potentially continue to surprise you no matter what you attempt, so the smartest approach is to sit back and allow people their space. They’ll bring you more joy that way.


July 23 – August 22

Avoiding work is easier said than done. People are extra inclined to spend time with you while alluring Venus is whirling through your amiable 7th house. That’s all well and good until Venus gets thrown off course by a debate with erratic Uranus in your 10th House of Professional Success. Uranus loves to shake things up, so a last-minute assignment or other work matter will likely pull you away from your partners. Don’t spread yourself too thin trying to please everyone.


August 23 – September 22

Things that usually bring you joy may seem rather dull under today’s stars. A square between aesthetic Venus in your practiced 6th house and Uranus in your exotic 9th house is giving you the urge to shake things up, especially if things have become a bit staid over time. It won’t be easy to ignore the call of the wild and unknown, and you’re allowed to go off and explore. Don’t entirely abandon your usual pursuits, though — they may regain their shine quite soon!


September 23 – October 22

Fun is arriving with a side of something unexpected. Your ruler Venus is strolling through your 5th House of Leisure, making for one of the most enjoyable times of the year. Even so, a few surprises are in store as Venus squares Uranus in your 8th House of Vulnerability. You could get bruised bouncing back and forth between the spotlight and the shadows. It’s alright if you feel a little all over the place — this erratic energy should evaporate soon enough.


October 23 – November 21

Someone could have a big impact on your day, but whether it’s for good or bad remains to be seen. Loving Venus is moving along through your centered 4th house, putting you in the mood to keep things pleasant — until Venus shoves Uranus in your relationship sector. That could result in someone sending a curveball or two your way! Uranus rules the unexpected, so it’s difficult to know what it’s got in store. Do your best to prepare for all eventualities.


November 22 – December 21

You can’t ignore your responsibilities, no matter how you try. You’re likely more than happy to bounce around town with Venus in your lively 3rd house adding a dose of excitement to all your interactions. Don’t get carried away — the Venus-Uranus square involving your habitual 6th house could demand you change tactics and roll up your sleeves. A co-worker or client could need you to come put out a metaphorical fire, and ensuing events could pull you away from more exciting times.


December 22 – January 19

This could be a day to remember! Pleasure-loving Venus in your luxurious 2nd house is making a combustible square to shocking Uranus in your avid 5th house, which will make it nearly impossible to deny yourself anything. You can indeed pursue the things that bring you joy, but make sure you aren’t reckless in your pursuit. Overspending or losing track of what’s important is today’s biggest risk. As long as you keep one foot on firm ground, you can dance away on the other.


January 20 – February 18

There’s no denying your feelings at a time like this. The only problem is that it could be difficult to figure out your specific feelings as gentle Venus in your quirky sign squares rebellious Uranus in your emotional sector. Your soul situation might feel like a game of pinball: both fun and erratic. If you’re willing to hop on this roller coaster, then by all means, go ahead! Just stay aware of the highs and lows that may come a mile a minute.


February 19 – March 20

Things may appear lovely on the surface, but what is underneath might not be so fun. Venus in your transcendent 12th house is giving you a pair of rose-colored glasses to wear, but be wary of its argument with Uranus in your distracted 3rd house. Someone could say or do something that catches you totally off guard. You can continue being an optimist, but don’t let that blind you to the truth of any current situation — especially an interpersonal one.

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