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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for December 29, 2024

When we do the work, we can achieve visible results. The Moon in Sagittarius begins with a trine to Chiron. This activates Chiron’s healing potential before it turns direct at 4:13 pm EST, stabilizing our paths toward soothing catharsis and emotional progress. The Moon will then square off Neptune, which does risk inciting a bit of confusion. Even so, things should begin to clear up when Luna slides into Capricorn, where it will be operating for the next couple of days.


March 21 – April 19

It’s time to move forward. You’ve been on a lengthy healing journey while Chiron has retrograded through your sign for the last several months, but as the cosmic medic turns direct, you too should turn around and face the future. Today, you can march forward with fresh ambition and energy to tackle the world, knowing that you will feel much lighter on a spiritual and emotional level. Acknowledge your renewed power from the universe, and you will be able to go far.


April 20 – May 20

Live and let go, Taurus. You’ve been weeding out the old and unnecessary while Chiron has slid backward through your 12th House of Endings, but it is now shifting direct and moving forward once again. This cycle will teach you how to reliably identify any factors in your life which actively hold you back or simply no longer serve you. Once you deal with them, you’ll be able to go into the future with a lighter load. There is no more time for burdens.


May 21 – June 20

Your friend group may look a little different than it used to. You’re on a mission to find the best people for Team Gemini while Chiron is in your 11th House of Community. This theme is further highlighted once Chiron turns direct after spending several months in retrograde motion. You and a few people may have exited each other’s lives after deciding that you weren’t on the same page. Even if you’re still a little sore, you can finally go find the right people.


June 21 – July 22

Professional progress isn’t always easy. It may have been an uphill slog while Chiron was retrograde in your 10th House of Recognition, but since it’s moving direct, things should be changing for the better. Instead of looking over your shoulder constantly, you can look ahead, envisioning new ways to reach your goals and feel better about yourself in the process. Don’t sit back when there’s healthy work to be done! You can manage it all more easily than you might think.


July 23 – August 22

The world is only as daunting as you make it. It can feel overwhelming when you’re hosting Chiron in your global 9th house, making you question just how much of it is worth exploring, but it turns out a lot of it is more than worth it! Chiron is moving forward once more in this area of your chart to remind you of just that. There are a lot of wonderful opportunities waiting for you, so don’t cut yourself off from those possibilities.


August 23 – September 22

Strengthening a connection isn’t always comfortable. You may encounter friction with people in your life as Chiron turns direct in your 8th House of Intimacy. Don’t worry — these scrapes are the kind that can enact positive progress as you acknowledge areas of your life that may have fallen to the wayside, especially those involving others. Business or financial ties may also be impacted with sharp clarity. Instead of avoiding topics that you’re worried about, dive in and learn all you can.


September 23 – October 22

It isn’t easy to see both sides of an issue. Today, thankfully, you can gain a better sense of things as Chiron turns direct in your 7th House of Litigation, encouraging more equality and fairness in all your closest connections. This can also improve professional matters, especially regarding contracts or other legal agreements. All parties involved will be more likely to get what they want without leaving the other person stranded — literally or metaphorically. Act with everyone’s best interest in mind.


October 23 – November 21

Rebalancing your life is possible — and necessary. You may not have been at your best while Chiron reversed through your 6th House of Wellness, but with it turning direct, you’ve got cosmic assistance to slowly but surely transform into your best self. This transformation doesn’t need to be immediate or major. Instead, allow Chiron to help you eliminate little habits that aren’t improving the quality of your life. Be willing to set aside even one negative influence, and you should soon feel worlds better.


November 22 – December 21

Self-expression is more important to your happiness than you may realize. This is an ideal time to put yourself out there as Chiron turns direct in your blossoming 5th house, reminding you that there is practically nothing to be gained from playing the wallflower. If you’ve felt ignored or as though others keep missing what you have to offer, don’t stick to the shadows and hope your people will discover you eventually. Find your light, and they won’t be able to miss you!


December 22 – January 19

Your interior life deserves as much peace as possible. Things may have been a bit complicated at Capricorn Central while Chiron was retrograde in your 4th House of Inner Needs, but Chiron stations direct today. There is harmony within your space, even if you can’t see it yet. Finishing a few domestic chores should help with that, though you may feel inspired to redecorate an entire room! Whether you’re aiming for domestic bliss or a tidier abode, you are capable of achieving it.


January 20 – February 18

Being gentle is more effective than being blunt at this time. Even if it feels awkward, starting out with friendly sensitivity is the best way to handle Chiron turning direct in your talkative 3rd house. Follow the guidance of your empathetic side. If you tend to keep things bottled up, this energy can be especially healing, so don’t force yourself to remain silent when speaking your truth should work wonders. Just don’t think you need to scream your truth to be heard, either!


February 19 – March 20

A little financial relief could be moments away. Money matters may have required your attention while Chiron retrograded through your income sector, but as it turns direct, it’s guiding you toward a more stable and secure situation. Chiron can also enlighten you regarding where you might be dropping the ball or angles that have room for improvement, so lean into this shift. By its end, you should wind up in a much better place of material security where you’ll feel at your best.

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