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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for December 31, 2024

Thought and action are both required for us to reach a happier future. The Moon in Capricorn is encouraging a little last-minute hard work as it sextiles Saturn. Our efforts should pay off wonderfully as Mercury trines Chiron at 2:41 am EST, helping us face our fears and release them before the year comes to a close. The Moon will then square Chiron, hitting the nail on the head, before trining Uranus, ending 2024 with one final shakeup — albeit a fun one.


March 21 – April 19

Open your eyes to the universe! A supportive trine between Mercury in your unreserved 9th house and Chiron in your headstrong sign is giving you the chance to move beyond any historic limitations or ancient expectations that have either held you back or made you feel like you weren’t good enough. The more you attempt to push against these outdated modes of thinking, the further you’ll be able to go and the happier you can be. Give yourself the gift of freedom!


April 20 – May 20

You’re not alone, no matter what anxiety says. The stars are coming together to remind you there is support on offer as Mercury in your 8th House of Trust forms a helpful trine to Chiron in your 12th House of the Subconscious. Their alignment sends a dose of positivity your way! This energy invites you to ignore old fears about abandonment or a lack of care. Embrace this sense of belonging by reaching out to your loved ones and reminding them how appreciated they are.


May 21 – June 20

A little socializing is just what the doctor ordered. Your ruler Mercury is in your partnership district, putting a big emphasis on the important people in your life, even as its trine to Chiron in your global 11th house motivates you to think in broader terms and open up to less familiar connections. Perhaps you’re already surrounded by wonderful friends and family! Still, a stranger or acquaintance could become something much more, and in the process, bring a lot of positivity into your life.


June 21 – July 22

There is no need to jump over any hurdles on your way to the finish line. In fact, the stars are lining up to make your progress that much easier as Mercury in your efficient 6th house trines Chiron in your professional 10th house. Between the two of them, they’re creating a clear path leading all the way to your victory. A co-worker or client could come forward to be especially helpful regarding your ascent, so you shouldn’t have to handle this all by yourself.


July 23 – August 22

Go forth and enjoy yourself! With messenger Mercury in your expressive 5th house trining emotive Chiron in your worldly 9th house, it is time to look beyond what you know in the name of finding more joy and happiness. There may be modern ways of doing things or thinking about the world, either of which can make you feel much lighter and more open to positive possibilities. Consciously pursue these opportunities, and you can be sure that they will pursue you in return.


August 23 – September 22

Being open about your needs is the best way to fulfill them. Sometimes it’s easy for things to go unsaid or for people to misunderstand and make assumptions about who knows what, but today’s conversation between Mercury in your demonstrative 4th house and Chiron in your intimate 8th house should clear things up. It’s encouraging you to communicate what you want, so there is no room for mistakes or confusion. The more honest and specific you are, the better the outcome can be.


September 23 – October 22

Communication is key when it comes to your most important connections. Messenger Mercury in your mercurial 3rd house is aligning with healing Chiron in your liaison sector, which can help you fix any problems that may have arisen between you and a particular someone as of late. Instead of avoiding things or hoping problems will work themselves out, take the initiative by opening a dialogue that should allow everyone to get what they want out of the situation — within reason, of course.


October 23 – November 21

A little creative thinking can yield productive results. A trine between cosmic communicator Mercury in your practicality sector and Chiron in your daily work sector is setting you up to work smarter, not harder. If you’re a bit burnt out on the way things have been or feel like you’re not getting anywhere, take a step back and reassess the situation. Perhaps there is something you’ve been missing, a valid solution that has gone unnoticed. Look closely and you can find it.


November 22 – December 21

Don’t dim your shine for anyone or anything. You have every right to speak your mind as Mercury flies through your optimistic sign. It will be all but impossible to keep quiet as Mercury trines Chiron in your 5th House of Creativity. You don’t need to be a performer or an artist or anything like that to benefit from this energy. Simply allow yourself room to express your thoughts and feelings freely, and you should feel better than you have in ages.


December 22 – January 19

Allow your intuition to guide you. Your mind is moving in slightly unusual ways as it slides through your subtle 12th house, but you can still get to the heart of the matter at hand as Mercury trines Chiron in your careful 4th house. You don’t need to think your way forward today, but rather to feel your way forward. Make an effort to trust your gut, because it may know something your mind is missing. You have your instincts for a reason.


January 20 – February 18

A sense of community is an important part of feeling like you belong. There is a strong emphasis on linking up with people near and far as Mercury in your 11th House of Organizations trines Chiron in your 3rd House of Neighborhoods. The last thing you should do is play the lone wolf! Gather up your nearest and dearest, or even just a few loose acquaintances who could become more, and hit the town for a day of whatever you want.


February 19 – March 20

You deserve to feel valued, Pisces. Other people, sadly, might not recognize that. Still, you can hope for the best as Mercury in your reputation sector trines Chiron in your security-conscious 2nd house. Someone may say or do something that shows how important you really are to them, and to a wider group of people as well! Don’t let ignorant outsiders make you believe that all your hard work has gone unnoticed. People may not always say it, but they are glad you’re here.

Originally Published: