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Health problems that are more common in the fall and winter

New York Daily News
<img loading="" class="lazyload size-article_feature" data-sizes="auto" alt="Health problems that are more common in the fall and winter | The CDC reports far more deaths in winter than summer. The averages of daily deaths (before the pandemic) in December, January and February are 8,344, 8,478 and 8,351, respectively; while the averages in June, July and August are 7,298, 7,157 and 7,158, respectively. For similar lists visit 24/7 Wall St. .” title=”Health problems that are more common in the fall and winter | The CDC reports far more deaths in winter than summer. The averages of daily deaths (before the pandemic) in December, January and February are 8,344, 8,478 and 8,351, respectively; while the averages in June, July and August are 7,298, 7,157 and 7,158, respectively. For similar lists visit 24/7 Wall St. .” data-src=”/wp-content/uploads/migration/2021/09/21/EKMFPAOHKEVMMAYR7VI3RQ2IRA.jpg”>
Health problems that are more common in the fall and winter | The CDC reports far more deaths in winter than summer. The averages of daily deaths (before the pandemic) in December, January and February are 8,344, 8,478 and 8,351, respectively; while the averages in June, July and August are 7,298, 7,157 and 7,158, respectively. For similar lists visit 24/7 Wall St. .
Colds | There are more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold, but most often the culprits are rhinoviruses, which thrive in colder temperatures.
Colds | There are more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold, but most often the culprits are rhinoviruses, which thrive in colder temperatures.
Flu | The flu is caused by the influenza virus and is distinguished from a cold in that it causes fever, chills and body aches in addition to the stuffy nose, cough and sore throat that characterize the common cold. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between 12,000 to 79,000 people died annually from the flu since 2010.
Flu | The flu is caused by the influenza virus and is distinguished from a cold in that it causes fever, chills and body aches in addition to the stuffy nose, cough and sore throat that characterize the common cold. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between 12,000 to 79,000 people died annually from the flu since 2010.
Sore throat | A sore throat can be a symptom of cold or flu, but they can also be caused by allergies. According to Britain's National Health Service (NHS), there is some evidence that going from warm to cold temperatures can make your throat feel sore.
Sore throat | A sore throat can be a symptom of cold or flu, but they can also be caused by allergies. According to Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), there is some evidence that going from warm to cold temperatures can make your throat feel sore.
Strep throat | About 10% of sore throats are caused by a bacterial infection, and usually the culprit is the streptococcus bacterium, which causes strep throat. Because it is highly contagious, strep throat circulates in winter when groups of people are more likely to be in close quarters.
Strep throat | About 10% of sore throats are caused by a bacterial infection, and usually the culprit is the streptococcus bacterium, which causes strep throat. Because it is highly contagious, strep throat circulates in winter when groups of people are more likely to be in close quarters.
Pneumonia | Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by airborne viruses or bacteria. Like so many winter ailments, its prominence in the colder months is attributed to people being in close proximity. The CDC estimates that 50,000 people die of pneumonia each year.
Pneumonia | Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by airborne viruses or bacteria. Like so many winter ailments, its prominence in the colder months is attributed to people being in close proximity. The CDC estimates that 50,000 people die of pneumonia each year.
Asthma | For people with asthma, the cold, dry winter air makes symptoms worse, particularly when exercising outside. Dry air irritates airways, causing wheezing and shortness of breath.
Asthma | For people with asthma, the cold, dry winter air makes symptoms worse, particularly when exercising outside. Dry air irritates airways, causing wheezing and shortness of breath.
Norovirus | Norovirus is a contagious stomach disorder whose symptoms include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Like other illnesses that spread easily from person to person through contact, norovirus thrives in winter when people are more likely to spend a lot of time indoors among others.
Norovirus | Norovirus is a contagious stomach disorder whose symptoms include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Like other illnesses that spread easily from person to person through contact, norovirus thrives in winter when people are more likely to spend a lot of time indoors among others.
Heart attacks | Heart attacks are more common in winter, perhaps because the cold weather increases blood pressure.
Heart attacks | Heart attacks are more common in winter, perhaps because the cold weather increases blood pressure.
Arthritis pain | Many people with arthritis experience significantly increased joint pain in the winter, but the reason is unclear. Some studies suggested that changes in barometric pressure could be the reason, while others point to a combination of humidity and cold.
Arthritis pain | Many people with arthritis experience significantly increased joint pain in the winter, but the reason is unclear. Some studies suggested that changes in barometric pressure could be the reason, while others point to a combination of humidity and cold.
Weight gain | Holiday indulgence and reduced activity are the big contributors to weight gain in winter, but stress, depression, and changes in sleeping habits can also play a role. The holidays alone are responsible for an average weight gain of 1 to 3 pounds, and the stress around holiday time can increase overindulgence in rich food.
Weight gain | Holiday indulgence and reduced activity are the big contributors to weight gain in winter, but stress, depression, and changes in sleeping habits can also play a role. The holidays alone are responsible for an average weight gain of 1 to 3 pounds, and the stress around holiday time can increase overindulgence in rich food.
Bronchitis | Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi — the larger, upper air passages to the lungs — which causes excessive production of mucus. Bronchitis is a winter hazard because it is usually brought on by a cold or flu, with symptoms similar to the flu but distinguished by wheezing, troubled breathing and coughing.
Bronchitis | Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi — the larger, upper air passages to the lungs — which causes excessive production of mucus. Bronchitis is a winter hazard because it is usually brought on by a cold or flu, with symptoms similar to the flu but distinguished by wheezing, troubled breathing and coughing.
Bronchiolitis | Most common in infants and children, bronchiolitis differs from bronchitis in that it affects the smallest airways in the lungs, called bronchioles, though the symptoms are similar. Bronchiolitis is usually caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which, like cold and flu viruses, circulates more easily in the winter.
Bronchiolitis | Most common in infants and children, bronchiolitis differs from bronchitis in that it affects the smallest airways in the lungs, called bronchioles, though the symptoms are similar. Bronchiolitis is usually caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which, like cold and flu viruses, circulates more easily in the winter.
Dry skin | Winter's low humidity can make skin dry and itchy, and the long, hot showers that relieve the chill of winter cold only make skin problems worse.
Dry skin | Winter’s low humidity can make skin dry and itchy, and the long, hot showers that relieve the chill of winter cold only make skin problems worse.
Dry mucous membranes | Mucus membranes drying out in the winter sometimes causes sinus discomfort, dry mouth, sore throat, headache and nosebleeds. Allergies, triggered by irritants found indoors like mold, can make symptoms worse by inflaming dry membranes and causing mucus to become thick and sticky.
Dry mucous membranes | Mucus membranes drying out in the winter sometimes causes sinus discomfort, dry mouth, sore throat, headache and nosebleeds. Allergies, triggered by irritants found indoors like mold, can make symptoms worse by inflaming dry membranes and causing mucus to become thick and sticky.
Sinus infection | People suffering from a cold, seasonal allergies or a weakened immune system are candidates for sinus infection. Sinuses become infected when fluids build up, allowing viruses or bacteria to grow. These infections can cause headaches, stuffy or runny nose, post-nasal drip, coughing, and bad breath.
Sinus infection | People suffering from a cold, seasonal allergies or a weakened immune system are candidates for sinus infection. Sinuses become infected when fluids build up, allowing viruses or bacteria to grow. These infections can cause headaches, stuffy or runny nose, post-nasal drip, coughing, and bad breath.
Cold sores | Winter reliably provides the conditions for cold sores, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores are highly contagious and most likely to present themselves when people are suffering from dry skin, stress or a compromised immune system.
Cold sores | Winter reliably provides the conditions for cold sores, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores are highly contagious and most likely to present themselves when people are suffering from dry skin, stress or a compromised immune system.
Frostbite | Frostbite is an injury caused by exposure to very cold temperatures. It can cause serious injury and, in extreme cases, require amputation of the injured body part.
Frostbite | Frostbite is an injury caused by exposure to very cold temperatures. It can cause serious injury and, in extreme cases, require amputation of the injured body part.
Hypothermia | Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can cause hypothermia. In the United States, there were an average of 1,301 hypothermia deaths per year between 1991 and 2011.
Hypothermia | Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can cause hypothermia. In the United States, there were an average of 1,301 hypothermia deaths per year between 1991 and 2011.
Allergies | Dust mites, mold, mildew and pet dander are around all year, but people spend more time indoors in winter, making them more vulnerable to these indoor allergens.
Allergies | Dust mites, mold, mildew and pet dander are around all year, but people spend more time indoors in winter, making them more vulnerable to these indoor allergens.
Migraines | In winter, migraine headaches may be triggered by changes in barometric pressure, dehydration, or, for unclear reasons, temperature changes.
Migraines | In winter, migraine headaches may be triggered by changes in barometric pressure, dehydration, or, for unclear reasons, temperature changes.
Winter blues | Winter can feel gloomy relative to other seasons, but for most people, the gloom doesn't affect the ability to function or enjoy life. The more serious winter depression is known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
Winter blues | Winter can feel gloomy relative to other seasons, but for most people, the gloom doesn’t affect the ability to function or enjoy life. The more serious winter depression is known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) | The primary cause of SAD is the reduced amount of natural light people are exposed to in the winter months. Lower levels of sunlight can cause changes in the amount of serotonin, a chemical the body produces, and the hormone melatonin, which are both associated with mood.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) | The primary cause of SAD is the reduced amount of natural light people are exposed to in the winter months. Lower levels of sunlight can cause changes in the amount of serotonin, a chemical the body produces, and the hormone melatonin, which are both associated with mood.
Cold hands and feet | Cold hands and feet are common in colder weather and are usually associated with Reynaud's syndrome, an ailment caused by the narrowing of the smaller arteries in the cold months.
Cold hands and feet | Cold hands and feet are common in colder weather and are usually associated with Reynaud’s syndrome, an ailment caused by the narrowing of the smaller arteries in the cold months.
Being sedentary | Recent studies have shown that being sedentary can lead to early death, and the effects cannot be undone by exercise. The longer the periods of inactivity, the greater the increase in mortality rate.
Being sedentary | Recent studies have shown that being sedentary can lead to early death, and the effects cannot be undone by exercise. The longer the periods of inactivity, the greater the increase in mortality rate.
Car accidents | Snow and ice cause dangerous road conditions that contribute to highway deaths and injury. According to the Federal Highway Administration, more than 1,300 people are killed and another 116,800 are injured annually in car accidents on snowy, icy, or slushy roads.
Car accidents | Snow and ice cause dangerous road conditions that contribute to highway deaths and injury. According to the Federal Highway Administration, more than 1,300 people are killed and another 116,800 are injured annually in car accidents on snowy, icy, or slushy roads.
Falling | The elderly are most vulnerable to cold weather conditions. According to data published by AARP, two of the coldest states, Wisconsin and Minnesota, have some of the highest numbers of senior fatalities from falls.
Falling | The elderly are most vulnerable to cold weather conditions. According to data published by AARP, two of the coldest states, Wisconsin and Minnesota, have some of the highest numbers of senior fatalities from falls.
Carbon monoxide poisoning | In the first decade of this century, an average of 500 people died and 15,000 people required emergency room treatment every year. Most reported carbon monoxide exposures occur in the winter and mainly in residences, and they tend to be concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest.
Carbon monoxide poisoning | In the first decade of this century, an average of 500 people died and 15,000 people required emergency room treatment every year. Most reported carbon monoxide exposures occur in the winter and mainly in residences, and they tend to be concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest.
Earaches | Ear infections are caused by a build-up of fluid in the middle ear, usually when the ear's eustachian tubes are swollen and blocked. Ear infections, which occur more frequently in the colder months, are not contagious themselves, but they can be caused by colds, allergies, and exposure to smoke.
Earaches | Ear infections are caused by a build-up of fluid in the middle ear, usually when the ear’s eustachian tubes are swollen and blocked. Ear infections, which occur more frequently in the colder months, are not contagious themselves, but they can be caused by colds, allergies, and exposure to smoke.
Croup | Caused by the same viruses responsible for the common cold, croup affects very young children, mainly in fall and winter. The most pronounced croup symptoms in children under 3 are wheezing, difficulty in breathing and a bark-like cough.
Croup | Caused by the same viruses responsible for the common cold, croup affects very young children, mainly in fall and winter. The most pronounced croup symptoms in children under 3 are wheezing, difficulty in breathing and a bark-like cough.
Whooping cough | Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a serious respiratory disease characterized by a persistent cough that can last for more than 10 weeks. Pertussis is caused by an airborne bacteria. In 2012, the CDC reported 48,277 cases of pertussis in the United States, the highest incidence of cases since 1955.
Whooping cough | Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a serious respiratory disease characterized by a persistent cough that can last for more than 10 weeks. Pertussis is caused by an airborne bacteria. In 2012, the CDC reported 48,277 cases of pertussis in the United States, the highest incidence of cases since 1955.
Pink eye | Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, one of the most common winter health conditions, is also one of the most contagious when caused by a virus or bacterium. Symptoms include itchy, watery eyes, crusting of eyelids, and redness in the whites of the eye.
Pink eye | Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, one of the most common winter health conditions, is also one of the most contagious when caused by a virus or bacterium. Symptoms include itchy, watery eyes, crusting of eyelids, and redness in the whites of the eye.
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