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NYC TeatroFest 2023 features city’s top Latino theater companies in citywide festival


New York’s TeatroFest, a citywide presentation of Latino theater featuring about 200 scheduled performances of more than a dozen shows from the city’s top companies, is underway after launching at the start of March.

The festival runs through the end of April, and includes new works and revivals for New Yorkers of all ages, with bilingual shows and performances in English and in Spanish.

“When we say Latino theater for all, we mean it,” Manuel Moran, artistic director for Teatro SEA, which is part of the festival, said in a statement.

NYC TeatroFest 2023
NYC TeatroFest 2023

Here’s a rundown of some of the upcoming entertainment.

Truckers — March 1 to March 26

This new English-language comedy at INTAR Theater on W. 52nd St. takes audiences on an unusual ride with Mexican truckers. Alfredo Narciso directs the play by Mariana Carreno King.

Alfredo Narciso, pictured, directs 'Truckers,' by Mariana Carreno King.
Alfredo Narciso, pictured, directs ‘Truckers,’ by Mariana Carreno King.

March is Music — March 1 to March 31

Pregones Theater in the Bronx is putting on March is Music, featuring nine concerts and a film premiere.

PAM 2023 — March 31 to April 3

The Performing Arts Marathon at IATI Theater on E. 4th St. features seven productions, spanning dance music and poetry.

Malas manas — April 21 to April 30

Follow the journey of a former felon finding his way back into society at the Repertorio Espanol on E. 27th St. Alejandra Ramos Riera wrote the play, and Jorge Rodulfo directs.

La caida de Rafael Trujillo — April 14 to April 30

A tale of the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, who was assassinated in 1961. This Spanish-language revival tackles the end of Trujillo’s life, and is to play at the Chain Theatre on W. 36th St.

Rafael Trujillo, the President of the Dominican Republic.
Rafael Trujillo, the President of the Dominican Republic.

Only the imagination can unlock the cages of captivity. — March 17 to March 18

This hour-long visual performance at Teatro LATEA, on Suffolk St. on the Lower East Side, is billed as an exploration of the intersection where dreams and reality meet.

The Crazy Adventures of Don Quixote/Las locaventuras de Don Quijote — March 21 to May 13

A bilingual, family-friendly take on Miguel de Cervantes’ classic epic will run at Teatro SEA on Suffolk St. The musical is directed by Moran.

An illustration by Jules David from a 1835 French edition of “Don Quixote” by Miguel Cervantes. Sancho Panza finds Don Quixote after Don Quixote unsuccessfully attacks a windmill.

Mom’s Playlist/Las Canciones de Mama — March 3 to March 26

This bilingual production at Thalia Spanish Theatre in Sunnyside, Queens, explores the bonds between mothers and daughters. Angel Gil Orrios directs the drama by Ana Graciani.

For a full schedule of TeatroFest NYC shows, visit

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