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Readers sound off on exemplary third-graders, Trump’s sentencing and the cause of wildfires


Three cheers for two young local humanitarians

Staten Island: We want to take a moment to recognize two extraordinary leaders within our wonderful school community. When we grow up, we want to be as kind and giving as third-graders Alexandria Khan and Hana Ezziddin.

On their own, Alexandria and Hana created a bracelet stand in their neighborhood last spring. Inspired by another family member’s bracelet stand, they raised about $185 over the past nine to 10 months. During the winter break, they made a courageous and kind decision to donate the proceeds to Zhenxuan, a young second-grade student recently diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma. They threw their hat in the ring and joined our PTA and school community to raise much-needed funds to help Zhenxuan’s family pay for direly needed medical treatment.

Osteosarcoma mostly affects children, teens and young adults. It’s the most common type of bone cancer, often developing in the cells that form new bone. It usually starts in the long bones around the knee but can occur in any bone, including the pelvis, shoulder and skull. The main symptoms include progressive bone pain, especially at night, and swelling that can restrict movement. Treatment typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and sometimes radiation therapy.

We are so grateful for kind and giving human beings like Alexandria and Hana, who embody the heart and soul of P.S. 23’s mission and vision. We believe that everyone, no matter how young or old, has genius and can make a lasting difference in the world through care, inspiration and empowerment. Paul J. Proscia, principal, and Renee Mazza, assistant principal, P.S. 23

Unpleasant experience

Breezy Point: On Thursday, I had to get driven into Midtown for my yearly colonoscopy due to 9/11 cancer. I guess you can say that I got it up my rear end twice due to congestion pricing. Pat Campbell

Wrong avenue

Astoria: If the MTA would stop all the criminals jumping the turnstiles — $700 million in losses — congestion pricing wouldn’t be needed. Fake reports of fewer drivers coming into the zone are BS. Drivers parking above 60th St. — same pollution. The governor must think everyone is stupid. Wake up, governor, we are hip to your games to try to get reelected. Anthony Gigantiello

Just take it?

Manhattan: If Donald Trump can say he wants to control Canada and Greenland and the Panama Canal, why can’t Vladimir Putin say he wants control over Alaska and Ukraine? Why can’t Xi Jinping of China say he wants total control over Taiwan and Hong Kong? Why then did we get upset when China took over Tibet? What is the difference between Trump and these dictators? Why didn’t Trump say all this before the election? I’m sure he would not have won the election and we would have been spared the next four years of chaos. Our country deserves better. Leonard Smoke

Futile application

Staten Island: Now I know why there’s garbage all over Staten Island after Sanitation picks up: They’re in a big hurry to throw your garbage can in the middle of the street and leave garbage behind because they need to get out there and salt streets that have no snow or ice on them in 40-degree weather. Joseph Dohner

Political prosecution

Kew Gardens: I would like to thank Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan for their unwitting in-kind contribution to the reelection of Donald Trump — to Bragg, who found a way to prosecute a case with no underlying crime, and to Merchan, whose jury instructions led to the unanimous decision and conviction. This was a pyrrhic victory for the prosecution and a damaging blow to the integrity of the New York State courts. This was, in fact, an exploding cigar for them, and galvanized public opinion against what was clearly a political prosecution. Americans are adamant about the notion of fair play. The only hope now is that the appeals process will reverse the conviction and repair the damage to the reputation of the New York courts. Phil Serpico

Easy out

Manhattan: He got off scot-free. I do not buy this junk about Trump at least having a felony record. Makes no difference to him. He could have been sentenced to one day, a week, community service, a fine — anything! The judge could sentence him and then suspend the sentence for four years. No way he would ever serve it out. Bragg proved to be a weakling as he recounted the terrible person Trump is and then endorsed an unconditional discharge. Why, Mr. Bragg? If Trump is a bad guy, ask the judge to treat him as such. It was not, is not and will never be the DA’s job to heal society. Prosecute him and recommend the right thing and that’s it, job done. Same for Merchan. Sentence him and wipe your hands clean. Let someone else, another judge, decide he shouldn’t serve. Steven Fromewick

Armed and dangerous

Bronx: My good friend asked me if this is correct — as of noon on Jan. 20, Donald Trump, the convicted felon, is not allowed to own a gun, but is authorized to launch an ICBM (inter-continental ballistic missile). Yes, Frank, that is correct. Mike Yorio

Speaking of…

Nutley, N.J.: To Voicer Roberta Chaleff: You admonished the Democrats to accept Trump’s presidency. I would give your thoughts a little more credence if you had written the same letter or could at least assure us that you had the same thoughts after the election of President Biden in 2020. Did you, Ms. Chaleff, accept your own advice and accept the 46th president “as the American you are”? I sincerely hope you are not one of those who agreed with the mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Peter Griswold

Violence ignored

Lansdowne, Pa.: To Voicer Alim Howell: Gov. Josh Shapiro is just another Pennsylvania Pollyanna. At the funeral for Philly’s most recently murdered cop, Shapiro, the mayor, police commissioner and pathetic district attorney all gave brief speeches. The officer was Jamie Roman, only 32, a young dad and husband. None of the aforementioned mentioned crimes’ penalties. There aren’t any of significance. One weekend last month, 21 people were shot in Philly — one perp was only 14! Meanwhile, the mayor’s passion is for a new basketball stadium that will ruin the city’s old and popular Chinatown and erase the needed Greyhound and long-distance N.Y. bus terminal. Easy access to the city’s hospitals is over for patients from distant towns. Gridlock is already bad. Georgia Makiver

A different Dem

Brooklyn: Sen. John Fetterman from Pennsylvania, a rare find — a liberal with common sense. Rocco Conte

Praying for them

Roosevelt, L.I.: Let us pray for the people of Southern California who have lost everything they own and have ever known due to this apocalyptic, raging wildfire. I remember when my family visited my Aunt Sylvia Mackey and my late Uncle John Mackey, who was a tight end for the Baltimore Colts and San Diego Chargers, at their then-beautiful home in Altadena. It is terrifying to see people’s homes, believers’ houses of worship and children’s schools burnt to ashes, and workers’ places of business burnt to piles of dust in Los Angeles County. My God, it is heartbreaking. To hear of the death of loved ones is overwhelming. California, we stand in solidarity with you in this major tragedy. We pray for substantial governmental help, strong assistance and the right resources for the people of Southern California. Arthur L. Mackey Jr.

The real reason

Manhattan: Who is responsible for the L.A. fires? We are. The ultimate culprit is climate change. Changing weather patterns leading to hurricane-force winds and droughts are consequences of burning fossil fuels. The media rarely mentions this. Instead, we hear endless finger-pointing at L.A.’s water management, at Gov. Gavin Newsom, the Democratic Party, etc. Let’s put the responsibility where it belongs and get back to reducing our dependence on oil and gas. Paul Backalenick