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Help on the way for Ike Davis? The Amazing Kreskin offers his services to Mets first baseman


While it’s hard to have any faith left in Ike Davis, one man is predicting a turnaround for the slumping Mets slugger.

The Amazing Kreskin sees a light at the end of the tunnel for Davis, but he has to follow the 78-year-old mentalist’s advice.

Kreskin published an open letter offering to help Davis, whose struggles at the plate (he’s hitting .147 and is 1-for-his-last-38) have also affected his play at first base — most notably Wednesday’s misplay that opened the floodgates in the Mets’ 7-4 loss to the Reds.

“We could even do the session while you are in the field watching ground balls roll by,” the letter reads.

The Amazing Kreskin wants to put his mental powers to good use for Ike Davis.
The Amazing Kreskin wants to put his mental powers to good use for Ike Davis.

Too soon?

All jokes aside, Kreskin assured the Daily News that his sole purpose is to save Davis from being demoted to Triple-A Las Vegas.

“With the right tools and the right techniques, I can help him. Most of our problems in life we create for ourselves. If he accepts that and listens to me, then he is in a position to change.”

Ike Davis has seen better days with the Mets.
Ike Davis has seen better days with the Mets.

And just how would Kreskin deal with Davis’ struggles at bat and in the field?

“With hypnotic techniques … I would need a couple of sessions to train him, helping his confidence, influence him with signals that he’d eventually use by himself to reactivate his unconscious mind.”

The key, according to Kreskin, is for Davis to acknowledge that there are outside factors at play. “That will enable him to function again,” said the Amazing One. Now if he could turn around Davis and the Amazin’s that would truly be Amazing.

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